Status: Short Hiatus....updates next week.

That Fragile Capricorn


Brendon looked around the room, breaking his stare from the TV. Jon and Spencer were playing Rock Band, Jon on the drums and Spencer on the bass. And, who could forget about Ryan? He was cuddled up under a blanket in the couch corner opposite of Brendon, scribbling down new lyrical ideas and random sketches onto the pages of his note-book.

Everyone knew Brendon was Bi, he told them that the minutes he joined the band, and none of them truly cared. And with that being said, he couldn't help but to pray on the small and innocent Ryan. Of course, he kept to himself and told no-one, he was afraid of the lesser reactions. Especially Ryan's.

"Beat ya at your own instrument! Fifty bucks please!" Spencer shouted, breaking Brendon's train of thought.

Jon glared, speechless at Spencer before pulling out his wallet from his back pocket. "Let's see you play that correctly on a real bass and get a crowd like that." He grumbled as he handed Spencer the money.

Ryan giggled at the scene and Brendon smiled. Though, not as much to the scene as to Ryan's giggle. It went on like that for a while and all in all, Spencer got one-hundred-and-fifty dollars off of Jon.

"I'm hungry! Who up for Chinese? I'm buying'!" Spencer said as he took another twenty-five dollars from the disgruntled Jon.

"Whatever" Brendon said, staring at the ceiling.

He found himself in a daze. Ryan's giggle filled the air around him again as Spencer forced Jon out the door with him. After the door slammed, Brendon sat up from laying on his back with a slightly out of it sigh.

"What are you thinking about?" Ryan asked as he looked up from his note-book.

"Everything and nothing at the same time." Brendon smiled.

"Seriously." Ryan said as he blinked.

Brendon paused, considering lie's and their wording, he had to lie. "Well, if you really must know...I challenge you to a Rock Band play-off." Brendon said with a quirky grin.

"Accepted." Ryan grinned back, making Brendon Melt on the inside.

Brendon stood up and 'threw' one of the guitars to Ryan, who caught it by surprise. Ryan selected the song, since Brendon challenged, "The Trees" by "Rush". Both selected medium, and then battled it out, hitting (and occasionally missing) the complicated patterns of green, red, yellow, and blue. Ryan giggled at the look on Brendon's face when he found out he lost.

"How did that happen? I lost to you?!" Brendon teased as he complained.

"Us innocents aren't all we look." Ryan smiled. "You of all people should know."

"Innocent? Since when did you become innocent? Need I remind you of all the emo make-up?" Brendon sat next to Ryan and pulled his knees into his chest.

"You used to complement it all the time."

"Doesn't make it innocent of all things."

"But you liked it none the less." Ryan smiled, once again unknowingly melting Brendon on the inside.

Brendon returned the smile with his own soft grin, his eyes although brown, seemed to be glowing in the light. Just then, the door was kicked in by Spencer, causing Ryan to jump and Brendon to laugh at him. Jon stumbled in after Spencer, his arms full of brown paper bags that held the Chinese food.

"Back!" Spencer said has he enter the living room.

Brendon stopped laughing as Ryan playfully glared at him.

"God, that smells good. I'm starving." Ryan said as he turned his head from Brendon to Spencer and Jon as the let the food down onto the kitchenette counter.

"Well, we bought enough for a small army." Spencer beamed. "And it's all thanks to Mr.Jon Walker!"

"Oh, enough of that already!" Jon said annoyed as he started opening the food.

"Ah, yes, but we really must thank you Mr.Jon Walker." Brendon teased as he got off of the couch to get some of the food.

"Get me some, please?" Ryan said as he grabbed Brendon's wrist.

"Sure." Brendon said, trying no to blush.

The aroma for soy sauce was strong and annoying by the time they had finished eating. Spencer had challenged Jon to another round of Rock Band. But Jon, very aptly, just threw his food at Spencer, who barely seemed to care. Ryan had since fallen asleep, his note-book hanging off the couch.

"Dude, I'm gone." Spencer said as he stood up to walk away and noodles fell off everywhere.

"Yea, me too." Jon stood and walked away.

"Guess that leaves me to take care of you then, huh?" Brendon whispered once Jon and Spencer were out of ear-shot. He stood up and quietly picked up Ryan's note-book and covered him up with a blanket before settling down on the opposite side of the couch, to eventually fall into a deep sleep himself.
♠ ♠ ♠
My first ever RyDen/RyDon.

First chapter, more to come.

