Status: Short Hiatus....updates next week.

That Fragile Capricorn


Brendon didn't wake up until ten the next day, when he felt something sit on his stomach. His eyes snapped open as his lungs struggled for air. The pressure was removed a few seconds after Brendon had started squirming. He sat up, coughing as the air returned in a sudden rush to his lungs.

"Sorry, I honestly didn't see you laying there. You were covered up, head to toe." Spencer.

"It's...okay." Brendon spoke as he tried to control the coughing.

"Sheesh, I'm not [i/]that I?" Spencer asked as he unsuccessfully tried to help Brendon.

"No, I'm just thin."

Brendon finally caught his breath as he looked around the room, Jon and Ryan were still sleeping. "We leave tomorrow, right?" He asked with the sudden realization of just how long they had been in the small apartment-like hotel.

"Yep, our last day in Indianapolis." Spencer replied as he found a more suitable seat on the couch.

"Well, I'm gonna go pack my stuff...I guess." Brendon said as he stood up.

He ignored Spencer's reply and walked off. Lovely He thought as he entered his sleeping area; it was trashed. Clothes were thrown everywhere and his luggage backs were nowhere to be found. Why didn't he have roadies for this? Either way, he proceeded to clean the room and pack a few of his bags, once he found the.

"Morning." Ryan said as he entered the room and laid down on the bed.

"How so? Your going back to sleep." Brendon laid next to him. "Hey, I'm sorry about last night."

"Your not in line to owe me an apology. Jon and Spencer owe us both one." Ryan comforted as he played with Brendon's hair.

"Yea, but if I hadn't-"

"Shh. I don't want to hear it." Ryan cut him off as he put his index finger to Brendon's full lips.

Brendon simply sighed, there was no winning this fight, and cuddled himself into Ryan's side. Just to relax was nice. Although, both of them knew it wouldn't last long. It never did. Both wished they were wrong, but both knew they were right. Brendon shoved the thought out of hi mind though, as he closed his eyes and happily sighed. If only all life could be as simple as such.

"We should explore the city." Ryan said in sudden thought.

"Yea, we should." Brendon whispered next to Ryan, his eyes still shut. "But for now, let's enjoy the moment. It's the first peace I haven't slept through in weeks."

"I just heard Jon's door open....and now close. We should get up. I don't want last night to happen again." Ryan said in a fragile whisper.

"Fine." Brendon sighed and sat up.

Ryan sat up and winked at Brendon, only to leave the room in silence. Brendon put the last of his stuff away, his heart was to melted to do otherwise. Quickly, he changed his cloths; to a pair of jeans and just for a touch of irony, a Fall Out Boy shirt he had acquired from Pete some time ago.

The kitchenette was full of the smells of cooking food as Brendon entered from his sleeping area. Jon was up and at the stove, the pan he held sizzling with the sickly scent of bacon. Brendon never was one for meat; if he wouldn't eat his cow, why would he eat theirs?

"Morning." Brendon told Jon as he looked over what was being cooked.

"Sure it." Jon replied with a smirk.

The was a plate of pancakes sided with bacon and a bowl of raw pancake mix. Brendon took a spoonful and shoved it in his mouth, smiling quirky as Jon looked at him funny.

Moving on, Brendon plopped down onto the tan colored couch. Ryan and Spencer were playing Rock Band, each on their respected instruments. They were playing Co-Op this time though, no challenge. Although, if it was a challenge, Spencer would of won.

"We're leaving around eleven." Ryan said as they finished the song.

"Where to?" Brendon sat up.

"To explore the city."

Even though the sun was high and bright in the sky, two inches of powdery white snow covered the ground. The city was bustling with people, most too busy to notice the band around them. No fan-girls today. Which was slightly strange, after the raving concert just a few days before. Must of been the cold.

"Hey!" Brendon shouted as he felt the cold of a snow-ball slam into the back of his head.

Ryan stood behind him, his hand behind his back, whistling.

"Oh really now?" Brendon chuckled.

Ryan just smiled.

Brendon melted. "Oh, I'll get you."

"Is that right?" Ryan said in a playful thought.

But before Brendon could answer, Jon shot them a glance before whispering something to Spencer and busting out with laughter. Ryan and Brendon just looked at each other and shrugged it off.

"How about ice-skating?" Spencer suggested.

"Why not?" Brendon said, agreeing with Spencer.

"Where's the rink?" Jon's eyes lit up.

"Five or so minutes away."

Brendon looked back at Ryan, who was unusually quiet, as Jon and Spencer bickered over which was to get to the rink. He was looking towards the ground, mumbling to himself. Brendon knew that Ryan was merely concentrating on lyrics, mumbling the possibilities and focusing on some sort of inspiration, despite the fact he looked depressed and let down. He also knew Ryan had no clue what they were doing or where they were going. He knew Ryan had almost no idea about the world around him. His guard was down.

Quickly, Brendon gathered up a snow-ball and packed it together. He turned around and winded it. The snow flew past Ryan's head, hitting a telephone pole instead, and in the process knocked Ryan from his lyrical world.

"Nice try, Brenn." Ryan chuckled, causing Jon and Spencer to look back at them.

"I'm still gonna get you." Brendon smiled.

"" Spencer spoke dramatically as th rink came into view.

It was moderately sized and nicely bussinessed. A Christmas tree still stood in the center, despite it being almost three weeks past new years and closing in on the end on January. Still, the atmosphere was nice.

The ice itself was perfectly glazed and perfectly smooth. Perfect for falling

The boys rented their skates and laced up. Ryan however, fumbled with the laces, trying to untangle the mess he made and properly tie them. Brendon looked at Ryan, the mess almost inhumanly impossible to untangle.

"Need help there?" Brendon asked as he flashed a cheeky smile.

"Sure." Ryan eventually sighed.

Brendon made rather quick time of the mess, about ten minutes, and the tied them the correct way. A playful smirk hinted at his voluptuous lips. "You can't skate, can you?"

"Not....really." Ryan mumbled.

"I'll catch you."

Ryan just smiled as Brendon helped him stand and led him to the slick ice. Jon and Spencer had since started skating, each trying to get the other to fall. Slowly, Ryan stepped onto the ice, almost instantly loosing his balance. Brendon followed, his hands on Ryan's shoulder's, trying to prevent him from falling. As the two finally got on the ice, Brendon put himself onto Ryan's left side, his arm around Ryan's waist, and a light blush on both of their faces. I love you, babe. Brendon thought quietly as Ryan caught him in his eyes.

"Do I have to teach you?" Brendon smiled, they had simply been standing in the same spot for several minutes.

"Maybe?" It wasn't meant to be a question, but Ryan couldn't say it any other way.

"Well, it's like roller blading." Brendon prompted.

"Okay, I'll try." Ryan spoke nervously. "You'll catch me?"


Slowly, Brendon took his arm from Ryan's waist. Jon and Spencer were watching the event from the other side of the rink, standing side by side, smiles on their faces.

"I told you he can't skate. This is perfect!" Spencer carefully and quietly whispered to Jon.

"Right according to plan. Wonder if it'll happen tonight?" Jon whispered back.

"I dunno. Maybe."

"Hopefully, it's about time."

"I doubt it though." Spencer killed it.

Ever so slowly, Ryan inched forward, Brendon right behind him. Just be careful Brendon though as Ryan continued on forward. The ice was slick under their feet, and the snow and wind weren't helping much. Ryan was gaining a steady momentum, despite being on wobbly and inexperienced legs.

That's when he finally slipped. Both Ryan and Brendon let out a small squeal as Ryan fell back, waving his arms as he desperately tried to regain his balance. It was inevitable though. He fell back into Brendon's open and waiting arms.

"Gotcha." Brendon whispered in Ryan's ear as he caught him.

"Thanks." Ryan whispered back, a blush on his face.

And so, it went on like that for a while; Brendon catching the falling Ryan with Jon and Spencer monitoring them. Eventually, Ryan became accustomed to the ice beneath his feet, and Brendon was skating beside him, no longer afraid that with every move Ryan would make that he'd fall. Jon and Spencer joined them after a while, Spencer next to Ryan, Ryan next to Brendon, Brendon next to Jon. Jon decided to show off a bit, having taken skating lessons when he was younger.

For the most part though, they simply joked around on the ice. Ryan not once falling. Once or twice though, he almost lost his balance, causing Brendon to slow up and skate behind him. And soon, the sun was starting, ever so slightly, to sink into the eastern sky. Right on cue, someone's stomach growled. And an uproar of laughter pursued.

"Sorry." Spencer said in between fits of laughter as he tried to keep his balance.

"Wanna go eat?" Brendon asked, placing a hand on each Ryan and Jon's shoulders.

"Sure, my feet are killing me." Ryan smiled.

Each left the rink, one behind the other, Brendon behind Ryan. Just as Ryan was about to make the transaction form ice to solid ground, his footing slipped and he fell backwards. Brendon caught him once more and smiled down at the boy.

"Thanks." Ryan blushed at his clumsiness as Brendon helped him stand back up.

"I'll alway catch you."
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the late update.

I've been busy.

Next ones will come faster though.
