Status: Short Hiatus....updates next week.

That Fragile Capricorn

Breaking Point

The heat in the club was sure to melt the make-up off of Brendon's face. His nose scrunched up at the sickly sweet scent of vodka mixed with sweat. He couldn't see but a foot in front of him, with his glasses, he knew Patrick couldn't be doing any better. The darkness hid dancing couples, making it impossible to walk, and the flashing florescent lights weren't helping either. Pete alway chose the raunchiest places.

Ryan stood close to Brendon, not wanting to get lost in the sea of people. As they made their way to the center of the mass, and eventually to the bar, the group split into their usual two's and went their own ways. And, as Ryan and Brendon stepped up to the bar, Brendon found himself attached to Ryan's arm as Ryan flaunted him like the French family treasure. Both of their eyes were proud.

"What can I get you boys?" A blonde bar-tender asked.

"Lime daiquiri." Brendon smirked before she had even finished asking.

"Peach." Ryan selected after a moment of thinking, deciding to go along with his old lyric.

"Coming right up."

Brendon decided to trace the stitching on Ryan's shirt as they waited, following the white swirl in the black cotton was relatively amusing, plus, Ryan didn't seem to mind.

"Here you go." The bar-tender smiled and pushed the drinks towards them.

Ryan smiled sweetly before turning away to Brendon; "Wanna trade?" He asked, almost inaudible over the music.

"Drinks? I guess." Brendon was slightly confused, it didn't matter though, peach was just as good.



"I Want to cling to you....see what it's like." Ryan's shout sounded like a whisper mixed with the sounds of the crowd and music.

Brendon was at a loss for words, Ryan Ross wanted to cling to him? "Sure."

Brendon let go of Ryan's arm and Ryan made himself at home on Brendon's, his head lightly and barely on Brendon's shoulder. It felt odd at first to Brendon, but he adjusted soon enough as he was flaunting Ryan even more the he himself was flaunted as they made their way to an unoccupied booth. Ryan slid himself off of Brendon's arm, teasing him by letting his left hand linger just a moment longer then anything else, and onto the smooth black leather of the booth. Brendon took a seat across from him and smiled; This is too much.

Ryan smiled as he sipped his daiquiri, though it quickly turned to a frown and a slight glare as he saw Spencer and Andy swaggering through the crowd towards them. Andy smiled as Brendon turned around, his face much the same as Ryan's. Not now, not here. God, why? Brendon thought as he turned back around.

"Howdy-do there." Andy continued his smile as he sat down next to Brendon.

"Pretty good." Ryan let his glare go. Behave yourself, Ross. Ran through his mind.

"Spencer, shouldn't you be with Jon?" Brendon's voice was slightly annoyed.

"Yea, where's Joe, Andy? Shouldn't tease a boy to go with another." Ryan smirked as he morphed Joe's words.

"With Jon, Pete, and 'Trick." Andy smiled. "We can compromise."

"Beautiful night, isn't it?" Spencer wrapped his arm around Ryan.

"Your just not my type, Spence." Ryan said, removing Spencer's arm.

Ryan, am I your type? Brendon almost asked, but he still held control over his mouth, the alcohol hadn't taken over that part of him yet. So, instead of asking it, he half prayed that Spencer or Andy would ask for an explanation. Brendon knew why the duo had come, they were instigating. The whole trip seemed to have no purpose, he realized, but to instigate two groups into what each wanted.

"Just was is your type, Ryan?" Andy tried to sound intrigued.

Ryan took a long sip of his daiquiri and thought a moment.

"They have to be..." Another sip and a sigh that followed it. Then, thoughtful; "Funny, caring, sweet...." He paused again. "They have to listen, liking to cuddle is a plus. They have to be protective, when someone else comes up to me, they have to claim me, mark me. Soft, cuddly, playful...yet aggressive, protective, and owning."

That's me. Brendon thought silently as he sipped his drink. Andy and Spencer smiled they both knew who Ryan was unconsciously describing. Yet, Ryan just found himself telling the truth, oblivious to the reactions around him.

"I want them to be there for me, always, no matter what. Through thick and thin, good and bad, anger and love." Ryan continued, closing his eyes.

I am that. Brendon wanted to shout, I'll always be here for you. I'll be your soft cuddly teddy-bear whom you tell you deepest secrets. And, just like the bear, I'll never tell the tears, shouts, and secrets. I promise. I'll be your pit-bull who claims and protects you. Who is jealous of all who attempt to steal you. Each time they do, I'll kid-nap you back. I promise.

"Well, look at the time." Andy said as he looked at his bare wrist. "We'll see you guys later."

Both Spencer and Andy stood up and walked away, side by side. Andy jabbed Spencer in the side and they burst into laughter inaudible over the music.

"That was weird." Ryan spoke as he finished his drink. "I'm gonna go back up. You want another one?"


Brendon couldn't help but smile as Ryan's thin silhouette disappeared into the crowd. You, Brendon started mentally coaching himself, he described you. Me. He didn't even realize it! Or did he? This is perfect, male your move Urie. He decided to dare himself. Just do it. Don't be a coward. Make your move.

It seemed like forever until Ryan returned with two drinks in his hands and a smile on his face. And by the look in Ryan's eyes, Brendon knew he was already nicely buzzed.

"Sorry I took so long, Brenny-bear. I ran into Jon and Joe." Ryan apologized as he sat down and handed Brendon his drink.

"It's okay." Brendon took a sip, same as always.

Ryan paused for a moment, trying not to let his thoughts slip. "I wonder what Pat and Pete are doing?"

"Probably drinking and singing." Brendon couldn't help but think, Making out in the men's room, like I wish we were, but held his tongue, he still knew his limits.

Weather or not Ryan did though soon became questionable.

"Don't lie. We both know they're screwing each other on a wall some-where." Ryan's words were slightly slurred, alcohol always effected him easily, he'd even cotton drunk off of one shot of Scotch before.

"True." Brendon smiled, earning one back. "So, what did Jon and Joe want?"

"I dunno, something about finding Patrick and Pete. That's why I asked if you knew or thought what they was doing." Ryan giggled out the last par.

Brendon chugged down the last half of his daiquiri and smiled, ignoring Ryan's speech mistake.

"Let's dance." Ryan said in a random slur as he stood up.


"Come on Bear, please?" He pouted, his lip out and eyes huge, as he grabbed Brendon's hand.

Brendon's eyes lit up and he dropped the argument, the night was full of surprises. Ryan smiled as Brendon stood and attached himself to his left arm. Flaunt me boy, we deserve it. And, for the first time, Brendon loved how the alcohol effected Ryan. I love you, babe, let's show them

The dance floor was sticky with drinks and sweat. But, no one seemed to notice, care, or mind. As long as they had their partners. And, Brendon was sure of at least one thing; unless Pete and Pat were dancing too, Ryan and himself had to be the only boy-boy couple dancing. The though discouraged him, what if someone saw? What if someone remembered? What if the media found out? They had been accused, yes, but that was all on false pretenses.

Brendon felt the alcohol take over his mind as Ryan pulled him close, skin touching. The fuzz it brought didn't let him think of all the could be's and what if's, it made him forget the bad in the world and let him focus on Ryan. He loved it. In a rush, the world left him, he was in his own. Ryan ran his hands down Brendon's sides and let them rest on his hips. In return, Brendon smiled like a fox, slowly, his tongue was becoming looser and looser.

Don't be a coward, come on, just do it. He won't mind, look at him! He's all over you!{/i] Brendon thought as he sized up just how[/]i to do it. But, it came much simpler when it happened. On an impulse, Brendon put his lip's to Ryan's. Ryan let him in and for a hot second, they kissed. But Ryan pulled away, his eyes wide.

"No, Bren. I'm sorry." Ryan said as he turned around and disappeared into the crowd.
♠ ♠ ♠
You thought I'd abandoned you, huh?


Just decided to re-write what was written in ink and pencil.

See ya next time....