Status: short story, finished.

I'm Driving You Crazy, Crazy

I'm Driving You Crazy, Crazy

Tick tock. Tick, tock. Tick, tock.
My hands picked up my high heel, flinging it towards the clock on the wall of the apartment. The glass of the clock shattered, and it fell to the floor. I breathed heavily, laying on the cold tiled floor. My eyes glanced around, wide eyed and bloodshot. All that was left was the broken clock, and my body laying, twitching, panicking in the middle of the small apartment. I sold my life away, I gave everything up for nothing.
And now I'm going crazy.
My arms reached out lazily towards the floor, to use for support. Everything was going fuzzy. I felt like I was going to spit up my insides, and my hands shook intensely. My hair was a knotted mess, laying delicately on my bruised, bony shoulders. Small sores were appearing around my face, and I had needle marks everywhere on my arms. I had no fat anymore, not a single soft part on my body; it was nothing but skin and bones. Dark circles lived under my eyes for the longest time; I lied saying it was eyeshadow, a new trend almost. No one believed me.
I sold everything I owned for drugs, pills, powder, anything to keep my addictions happy and pleasant. Otherwise the voices would yell, scream at me in my sleep, telling me to wake up, to give in.

Bullet, you need this. You can't survive! The voice would yell in a shrill voice, in my ears, my head. I'd kick covers off, in a cold sweat and what felt like a fever. My nails dug into my scalp to try digging the voice out. I'd lay awake for what seemed like days until I would give in. The voice would grow stronger until I took fifty pills at a time, or until I shot up until my eyes were almost completely black with hunger.

I had no family left'; they left in the time I needed the most.
Needed their money, more like it.
My friends? I had none, I never remembered who I talked to during parties; I'd always be screwed up in the head from it. I'd be in another world, my world.
Eventually I gave it all up for the voices, my addictions never died down at all.
I tried so much to fight it, and hell, even rehab sounded like such a beautiful word at times.
But the voices got to me, drugs or no drugs, I was gone. No safe place would take me in, no one would want to deal with my insanity. I'd do anything to walk in someone else's shoes sometime, but I'm stuck here. In this grave I dug years ago, and now someone's finally filling it up. The voices.
I thought they were on my side.
The promised me so much.
And now all to show for giving them power was me, laying in this empty apartment in the worst part of town, and it's not like I can do anything to shut the voices up. They've been screaming inside me for days, and I have nothing to give for the drugsI need they need.
Bullet Rose, GET UP NOW! The voices screeched inside.
"DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" I screamed back into the silence around me. My body began to shake, and I broke out into a cold sweat. The fan was on, and I was in shorts and a tank top. It's not like I had layers on, or hid under sheets.
Bullet's going crazy, Bullet's going crazy. The voices sang. Their song cut into my brain, left horrible marks, I could feel them inside me. The voices were trying to take over. I had no power left.
"I AM NOT!" But I was. I was far past crazy. My mind didn't belong to me anymore.
You're tried destroying us Bullet Rose, They whispered. I began twitching as my legs tried moving, shifting towards the door for help. But who would help? No one would want to come near the crazy drug addict.
"I'm sorry! I'M SORRY!" I screamed, crying. My lungs collapsed, but barely came up. I was so far from the door, and I couldn't get up. Like the voices held my body down.
It's time you were put in your place. I heard them say. My breath was constricted, I couldn't scream anymore. I felt my heart pound harder, and harder.
"LEAVE ME ALONE!" I said with any last breath I had.
Don't worry, we will. The voices faded, I thought I won.
My heart pounded faster and faster,
Bullet's going crazy, Bullet's going crazy They sang as they faded.
I screamed once more before my heart exploded.
♠ ♠ ♠
I got the idea from listening to the song the preyingmantis, by porcelain and the tramps.
waaaaaah it blows ;_;

lol ok I need more chapter stories -_-