Forced to Love

Chapter 12

Still holding hands, Annabell and Nathaniel spent the night talking.

Nathaniel told Annabell of how Leonard raised him and thought him, not only of the value of money and how to how to rule and govern, but also about poetry and philosophy.

In return Annabell told about her mother and of how she died when Annabell was only 6 years old.
Nothing was ever the same after her death.
The visits of Annabell’s father occurred less and less often and Annabell’s grandmother decided to move in and live together with her.

But when Annabell turned 16 her grandmother died, and Annabell had to manage on her own.

Deliberately Annabell did not mention her fathers repeatedly beating, but tried to remember all the happy moments she had experienced while living in her old home.

After many hours the fire burned down and Annabell fell asleep with her head on Nathaniel’s chest and their hand still attached.

Annabell had no idea for how long they had been sleeping, when some noise on the first floor woke her up. There was a lot of running and loud voices.

She pushed Nathaniels shoulder lightly to wake him up.
“What?” He asked groggy.
“Nathaniel, I think there is something wrong.” She whispered. In one swift movement he was on his feet.
”Wait here!” He ordered before quietly opening the door and hurry down the corridor.


Nathaniel hurried down the corridor and as he approached the hall he could notice the faint smell of smoke. When he entered the hall, the air was already thick of smoke and it made it hard for him to breath.
His eyes stung and he coughed as he tried to fill his lungs with oxygen.
Nathaniel could se one of his servants running past him, and grabbed his shirt when he passed. “What is happening? Where is the fire?” Nathaniel asked, his voice filled with authority.
”On the second floor, sir.” The servant answered. “We’re tryin’ to save the most valuable articles, ‘cause it seems like we’re not able to put out the fire. ‘m sorry sir.”
Nathaniel was shocked. His house, burning down to the ground!
Images flashed before his eyes.
The once beautiful and magnificent building, now nothing more than a ruin. He could see himself and Annabell living in a cold cottage in the wood with no floor.

“Wake everyone up and tell them to start carry water up to the second floor, maybe we can prevent the worst damages.
Tell the rest to start bringing the most valuable artwork and books outside!” Nathaniel coughed several times because of the smoke. “Hurry!” He shouted to the servant before he ran up the floors towards his bedroom.


The smell of smoke had started to fill the room not long after Nathaniel left the room. She knew there had to be a fire in the house.

Annabell opened the door and started to run towards the staircase, she had to get out of the house. But the thick smoke made it impossible for her to see anything.
It made her eyes sting and it filled her lungs, making her cough every few step.
She could not breath, the smoke was everywhere, filling the hall and her body.
Soon her sight narrowed and black dots stared to swim before her eyes.

I must keep on, I have to get out of here! She thought as she moved towards the staircase.

Her lugs ached for oxygen.
The black dots became bigger and bigger, the last thing she saw before the blackness consumed her was a shape approach in the distance.
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Sorry, i haven't updatet in ages! and im sorry it is so short, and im sorry if it sucks.
please let me know what you think.
Big thanks to xeternalxdreamerx, and solastyear for the supportXD