Forced to Love

Chapter 18

Nathaniel hurried down the stairs. His heart was beating rapidly. ¨
Fear shot through him as he realised that it had been three days since he last saw his Bell. Three days? He moaned. Anything could happen in three days. Please, whoever you are; do not hurt her! She has been through enough.

He was running towards his study where he knew his father was in an urgent meeting. A shabby man had arrived Darmont mansion in the early hours, riding on a brown horse, which looked like it would surely collapse of exhaustion any minute. The man had demanded a meeting with the king as soon as possible, arguing that it was a case for the safety of the kingdom. Upon hearing this, the king showed the man in to Nathaniel’s study and locked the door behind them. They had now been behind the closed door for over an hour.

When a servant found Nathaniel and let him know that Leopold asked for his present, he was nervously pacing up and down his bedroom floor, wondering if this news would affect him and the search for Annabell.

Nathaniel reached the door to his study and knocked fiercely several times. The door was hurriedly opened and before he could open his mouth and ask what was going on, a hand grabbed his collar and pulled him inside, then locking the door behind him. Surprised by this, Nathaniel looked around in the room. His father was sitting by the desk looking rather grave while the shabby man was standing by the door. No doubt he was the one who had pulled him inside. Nathaniel had to study the man by the door for a minute. His face was cold and held no emotion whatsoever.

“Nathaniel,” Leonard spoke, “Some of the things we now will speak of must never leave this room, not only for the sake of Avalon, but also the security of this man. Do you understand this?” Nathaniel nodded and sat down in one of the two chairs opposite of his fathers.

“This is Mason, one of my most trusted servants,” Leopold continued, rising his hand slightly in the direction of the shabby man.

“He has been in my duty for 15 years and has never failed me… You see… From time-to-time certain kinds of rumours occur. Mason’s job is to find the source of these rumours, and most importantly decide if the rumours are true.”

For a moment Leonard paused and looked almost uncertain how to continue.

“As you know, there has been some hostility between Avalon and Virona for decades. The somewhat…” Leopold was clearly struggling to find a diplomatic word to describe the situation. “…unhappy… events the year you were born ruined the relationship between our two countries. And the year I found you, starving in a cottage in the middle of the forest, the tension only increased. Therefore the rumours from Virona are always first priority when Mason serves his duty. Would you care to continue Mason?”

The king addressed the man who was still standing by the door. The man had not moved a muscle during the Kings speech. But then, in one swift movement he was by the desk, slowly lowering himself in the remaining chair. When he spoke his voice was calm and his face still lacked any kind of emotion. His dark brown hair was a bit too long and fell occasionally down in his eyes.

“Well, as his majesty already has told you, we tend to be extra perceptive regarding Virona. And the latest months we have noticed that the royal bastard not attends the court as often as he used to.”

Nathaniel winced at the expression Royal Bastard. Heavens knew that he was nothing more himself. Something he had often been reminded of, during his childhood.

“Ezra has always been a big one for the life at court. He is a shallow man that cares for nothing but woman, wine and money. Nevertheless he has a nasty habit of always wanting more that he already have. Therefore, I and my associates decided to find out what he was doing all by himself out at his castle…”

For the first time Nathaniel could sense a bit of hesitation in Masons voice.

“… It seems now, that Ezra might be up to something big, and for approximately three days ago a prisoner came to the castle… a rather important prisoner by the sight of it. Nathaniel, I have reasons to believe that prisoner is your wife.”

Nathaniel could feel all the blood drain from his face.

“Annabell?..” He whispered.
“In the hands of Ezra, that beast? Why on earth does he need my wife? … If you have known this for three days, why did you not come earlier?” Nathaniel was furious.

“My Lord, my orders was to return to the court after my mission was completed. It was first when I arrived at the court that I learned that the King was in Tabitha. Naturally I came here as fast as I could.” Mason defended himself.

Stressed, Nathaniel pulled a hand through his hair.
“Now my son,” the king said,
“What is important is to get her home as soon as possible.”
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another chapter! sorry for the long time, but i've had serious writers block.
Love you for all the amazing comments and messages! Thank you, it really makes me want to writeXD

bug thanks to imperfectiionsx3!