Forced to Love

Chapter 1

It had been a long night, and Nathaniel Darshia was about to close the card game. He had already known for several hours that he had won the game, but enjoyed to watch the other man’s doom linger.

With pleasure, he lowered his last card, and sneered to his opponent. Oh, how passionate he detested this man. How pathetic he was.
The opponent, Lord Barlow as his name was, was a mere baronet.
Nathaniel had often met this man, because Barlow was very fond of the extravagant life, and hobnobbed with the truly rich people, such as Nathaniel.
Barlow’s extravagant lifestyle and gambling had made him in great debt, and Nathaniel felt great pleasure when knowing he was breaking this man utterly.

“It seems like I have won, Barlow” Said Nathaniel still sneering. “Indeed.” Was the answer. Barlow’s greedy eyes were filled with hate as the two gentlemen moved to a quiet library to settle their debt.
“I must say, this has been an interesting game” Said Nathaniel. Barlow had owed money all over the town before Lord Darshia had bought Barlow's debt.
This meant that Barlow now only had debt to Lord Darshia, but both Nathaniel and Barlow knew he never would be able to pay Darshia back.
So during this game of card Barlow found his way out of the misery, he found a way to save himself from drowning.
He sacrificed his only daughter.

“Listen Lord Darshia!” He had said with his toady voice during the game. His fingers were crushing the cards. “I have come to the perfect solution! It will gain you and me. If I win the game I’ll be free of debt and if I lose … You’ll have my daughter!”
Nathaniel had almost choked in his drink. “Your daughter! Why on earth would I have her?” This man must be joking, he thought.

Barlow pulled a card as he smiled. “You can do with her as you please. I couldn’t care less, you don’t even have to marry her for my sake”
Nathaniel could feel himself tense as he realized this man was not joking.
He had thrown his daughter on the green table just as easy as he was throwing the coins. But then, this offer could not have come at a more suitable time.
Nathaniel smiled a fake smile and laughed as he shook Barlow’s hand in agreement.
“You should consider yourself lucky that I agree to this ridiculous proposition, I fear you are doing the best deal”
Barlow sneered, and laughed “so do I, my Lord… So do I.”

Now as they were standing together in the library, Nathaniel gave his orders to Barlow. “Send her to my estate inn the north within three days.
I will send a carriage to meet her when she arrives the border to Tabitha, and you do not need to pack too much of her belongings, only belongings with a sentimental value.
She will receive whatever she needs when she arrive her new home.
You are never to cross the border to Tabitha. If I ever see you there, it will be your last day.”
With these few words Lord Darshia, the Duke of Tabitha grabbed his cane and top hat before leaving.

Nathaniel could barely keep his temper while the coach carried him north to Tabitha.
He was furious! Today, he had met the most selfish human he had ever laid eyes upon.
To sell his own daughter like that! Just the thought made him nauseas.
The daughter would probably be no better than her father.
Nathaniel knew he had a long travel ahead of him, so while he tried to find a comforting position he hoped that this girl would do, and not ruin the whole plan.
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