Forced to Love

Chapter 19

Annabell lost all track of time as she was lying on the cold marble floor, right where Ezra had left her. She could no longer find the strength to even move across the room and towards the bed. It felt like every limb in her body was made of stone and impossible to move… or even worse; it felt like her body was dead.

Thoughts were spiralling through her brain in a sickening speed. He is not going to let me go. I can see it in his eyes; he’ll never let me go… What is the point of opposing? Is this how it feels like to surrender? To give up? Annabell actually felt a little embarrassed as relation dawned upon her. I have given up. I’ve actually given up! Annabell started to think about Nathaniel, and how kind he had been to her. I wish I had told him how much I appreciate his kindness. I feel like he’s the only one I can trust. He’s the only one that would never let me down. Deep down in her heart Annabell knew that Nathaniel was the one she could always rely on. He would never let her down. He really was an amazing man.
I think I might love him....

As soon as this little thought appeared in her head it started to grow with a tremendous power. Soon these few words filled her whole being like a raging fire. Her chest started to ache as the fire burned wildly. I love him, was the only thing Annabell could think. I love him!
Suddenly everything felt right, like all the pieces in a puzzle were suddenly on the right place, and you could see the whole picture clearly. Of course she loved him. They had been born to love each other. Annabell could feel her body being filled to the brim with contentment.
“Nathaniel…” she whispered softly.

The bedroom door was opened with a slam. With no surprise, Annabell watched Ezra enter the room. “Get up girl!” He barked as he started to pace around in the room, obviously searching for something. “We’re on the move.”
“What is happening?” Annabell asked. “Where are you taking me?”
“That is none of your damn business! Just do as you’re told.” He shouted something out the door and someone came in with an old robe. He grabbed her still tied hands and forced her to stand up before he pulled the robe over her head and made sure she could not see anything. Annabell could feel herself panicking slightly. The robe was old and filled with dust, and made it impossible for her to breathe properly. Every time she drew her breath her mouth and nose was filled with dust, and made her chough wildly.

“Be quiet, damn girl!” Ezra growled. He tightened the ties on her wrists, before moving down to her ankles, repeating the procedure there. He grabbed her waist and carried her out the door, down a flight of stairs, and by the sound of it; out on the ground.
Annabell could hear that the castle grounds were filled with chaos. People were shouting and horses neighing. There was an abrupt stop of movement, and Annabell was thrown in to something she supposed was a carriage. Her assumption was right, for it started moving the minute the door was closed behind her.

Lying on the jolting carriage floor with her hands tied reminded her of the time she was forced to travel to Tabitha. Same as before, she had no idea where she was headed. The carriage stayed at a horrible speed; she could feel it sway dangerously every time the there was a curve in the road. There was still a lot of shouting and Annabell could hear the sound of galloping horses constantly passing her carriage.

The jolting kept on for hours before the squad slowed down and stopped at last. Annabell had no idea where they were or how long they were going to stay there. All she could do was wait for someone to come and pick her up. A voice suddenly sounded so clear that she for a moment thought the person was speaking to her. Soon she realised that someone was having a conversation right outside the carriage.
“What’s ‘appening? Why’re we stopping, Sir?”
“We are just letting the horses have a drink before we continue. Don’t get your hopes up, after the horses are done, we will continue in the same way as before until sunset.” A man—obviously a superior—answered.
“Sir? Who’s that filthy creature that’s turnin’ on my king?”
“Well, apparently there was a spy caught… I hear it was one of them kitchen boys, a kid named Bill.”

Annabell could feel her whole body turn cold as ice. Bill? She let out a quiet sob as she remembered his kind eyes and cheeky smile. He was only thirteen years old! Her thoughts were drowned in the guard’s rough laugh. “Well, that Bill sure didn’t know what would’ve been best for him. I guess he’s the creature hang’n by his neck from the castle wall then, eh?” Another malicious laugh filled Annabell ears, and she had to keep all her focus on not throwing up as all too vivid pictures appeared before her eyes. The superior outside Annabel’s carriage was right, unfortunately, and before long the carriage was moving and the insane speed resumed.

During the day the weather changed and it started to rain heavily. The water drummed on the carriage roof, and made all other noises disappear, except for the occasional thunder that ripped through the sky. One thing was positive with the weather change though; it forced the coachman to keep the speed down. No one could keep that speed up in such weather.
As time went by, Annabell noticed how the carriage was constantly moving slower and slower before it finally stopped completely. For a long moment, she could hear nothing but the rain, before Ezra’s voice, mad with rage, started shouting outside; cursing everything from God above to the coachman and the horses.

The coach door was opened abruptly, letting the rain fall heavily down on Annabell. It was only a matter of seconds before she was completely soaked. A cold hand grabbed her ankle and pulled her toward the door. The freezing rain made her exposed leg numb after only a couple of seconds. While being dragged towards the door, Annabell could feel her skirt sliding dangerously high up her leg. She was obviously not the only one noticing. From the open door, she could hear a rough cheering from the surrounding guards. No doubt, they had a good view of her thigh. Desperately, Annabell tried to roll over and keep some of her dignity. It was a futile attempt. Dignity was a lost cause as she in a matter of seconds was thrown out of the carriage and face-down into the mud. Annabell started to shiver violently when the cold water penetrated her dress.

“Everyone push! We need to get the carriage out of this mud-hole!” Ezra’s voice started screaming somewhere to the right of Annabell. How long Ezra’s guards tried to loosen the carriage, Annabell had no recollection of. She was too tired to recognize anything around her. The only thing occupying her mind was the penetrating cold, and the way the raindrops silently caressed her hair before they made a little river down her neck.

Suddenly Annabell was ripped out of her self-preservation-trance. Everyone was quiet, as if listening for something. What’s happening? She wondered, but before she could utter the words out loud, someone in the distance started to shout. “They are coming! Hurry!
They are coming!” The only reply he got was a curse from Ezra. A little hope started to fill Annabell. Surely, everything bad for Ezra must be a good thing for me? She figured.
She dared not hope that the one coming was Nathaniel. She remembered that Bill had been a spy. Could he be spying for Nathaniel? No, it couldn’t be. That would be too much of a coincidence.

Before long, it was clear that they could not get the carriage out of the mud, and panic started to spread like fire through the ranks of Ezra’s guards. What consequences would they suffer for this obviously illegal mission? Would it merely be regarded as an action of war?
Without any sight, it was hard for Annabell to keep up with what was happening next. But she did understand that there was a fight somewhere.

This is my cue to run! She thought while tugging wildly in the ties. If I at least could get this disgusting robe off my head! The next moment someone pulled her up and helped her sit against a nearby three. “Who’s there?” Annabell asked terrified. Her saviour did not answer, but she could feel the man trying to untie her hands. When he was clearly unsuccessful in doing so, he let out a small curse. The moment the worlds left his lips, Annabell knew who he was. Her heart, body and soul were filled with the most intense relief. “Oh, Nathaniel!” Annabell whispered. “Nathaniel! Please take off the robe!”

Without an answer, he did so immediately. In the moment her head was free of the much-hated robe, Annabell threw herself towards Nathaniel. Her lips connected with his. She was his. He was hers. And they were together. It would always be like that. She knew that, just like she knew that tomorrow the sun would once again rise, before it would once again set.
Nathaniel did not move at first, as if he did not believe what was happening. Then he suddenly lunged forward, he was over her by a fraction of a second. He kissed her lips like a hungering man. He kissed her like there was no tomorrow, like her lips was the source of life itself. Finally, hesitating, he pulled back. “Oh, Annabell!” he whispered in her ear.
“I was so afraid for you! I thought they might have killed you... You have no idea of how scared I’ve been these few days.” He held her tight into his broad chest looking deep into her eyes, before he kissed her once again. But this time the kiss was lingering and unbearable sweet. “You’ve been through so much, You don’t deserve to suffer anymore.
I swear: I will always take care of you. You are my heart Annabell…”
♠ ♠ ♠
First I want to apology! I know I told you all that i'd update as soon as possible, ..-in April! I am really sorry I kind of lied to you, but to defence: I have been really busy with school, my drivers licence, work, three-week-language-travel-thing-to-England (I met a rich kid that lives next door to the Tokyo Hotel-guys! .. he was not cool, i promise!.. He told the leaders that I ditched school to get my ear pierced (I got a Tragus!)), stalking Robert Pattinson online... As you see; a lot has been going on.
Nevertheless, the story is coming to its end.. there's just one or two chapters again (AND I'll update more frequently!)
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