Forced to Love

Chapter 2

Annabell Barlow could no longer feel her fingers as the icy winter wind blew over the snow-covered hills and right through her fraying gown. She strived with a heavy bucket that once had been filled to the verge with icy water, but now the most of the water were dripping down her gown. She took a pause in her work, to take an admiring look over the landscape. How deeply she loved this land, this estate were she had spent her entire 19 years old life.

After regaining her breath, Annabell continued her battle with the bucket. She had to get the bucket into the kitchen so she could get started on her dinner. With a sigh Annabell wondered if she would find anything to eat. The pantry had been empty for a week, and the only reason she had survived were the few potatoes she had found on an abandoned field.

Annabell could feel the despair rise as she thought about the current food-status.
In not long, she would not have any food left. She could not make herself go to the neighbours and ask for food, she new they could not spare anything. They were just as poor as her. With these thoughts, Annabell entered the large stone castle. You could hardly notice any difference in the temperature inside the castle, it were just as icy as the outside.

While the hunger pained her, Annabell boiled one of the last potatoes. She was just about to eat it when she heard someone open the main door and walk in to the hall. She tensed. No one but He would come to this Godforsaken place. Like an answer to her thoughts, she heard his voice resound in the hall. “ANNABELL! COME HERE! OBEY ME WHEN I’M SPEAKING TO YOU!”

She could hear his voice come closer and she searched for an exit, but before she could reach the door, she could feel two strong hands grip her hair. “Oh, no you little useless girl. You are not to run away from me when I call for you!” With this he pulled her backward and shoved her to the floor. Her blue eyes looked at him with a scared expression, “Father..” she started when she saw his expression.
“Father.. Please!..” She pleaded “Please.. do not hurt me!” Barlow paid no attention to her plea as he raised his cane. “You filthy little good-for-nothing! Wont’ even meet your own father!” He snarled as he let the cane hit her all too soft skin over and over again.
She tried to rise, but exhausted and weak from the loss of food, it was a wasted tempt.

Soon she could feel the blood run down her back, and wet her dress. But still she could feel the cane hit her back. In the distance she could hear her father still yelling to her
“You scum, here I hold your food and clothes and this is what I get? A disobedient and ungrateful child with no respect! I fill with the urge to vomit every time I see you; your very appearance repulses me!” But as he kept on hitting her, the voice grew more distant and soon she could welcome the relieving dark