Forced to Love

Chapter 6

Annabell was woken by the sun.
It was shining in the window through the heavy dark blue curtains.
She looked around, and found herself in a room she had never been in.
She was lying on a huge bed in the middle of a very elegant room.
What was she doing here? Confused she rose from the bed, feeling a little dizzy, and went to the nearby door.

Just as she was about to open the door, a little chubby woman with a kind face quietly entered. “Oh!” The little woman exclamed. ”What are you doing up? Back to bed, right now!”
Annabell just looked at the woman.
”No!” She stated. ”You have to tell me where I am.”
The woman started to laugh. “Of course, but go back to bed first. I do not want you to harm your shoulder again.”

Annabell obeyed the woman and snuggled under the warm blanket, noticing she was still tired. “Well.” Said the little woman, while she sat down in a chair, next to Annabell’s bed. “I am Mrs. Brown, I used to be Lord Darshia’s nanny and he sent for me to nurse you after you fell unconscious. If I may say so, you are in a very poor state!” Annabell just smiled to the woman. “I’ve noticed.” She said quietly. ”How long have I been unconscious?”
The woman scanned her. “9 days. You gave Nathaniel quite a shock, you know.
He has been looking in to you every day since, and he has refused to spend the night in his own bed, terrified of disturbing you.”
Annabell could not believe what she heard. “Nine days? Have it been so long?”
“Yes, it has. But do not expect to leave this room soon. I’ll be keeping you here at least a month. I must be certain that you are completely recovered before I let you walk around in the castle.”

Annabell smiled. This woman was so stern, but underneath she could feel that she really cared, and only wanted what was best for her.”
“Have Lord Darshia really been visiting me every day?” Annabell asked surprised.
“Yes he has. He has been really concerned about you. He stated that if he ever saw your father again, he would have him jailed.”

Annabell tensed at the thought of her father, and Mrs Brown noticed this. “Do not be afraid child, he will never lay a hand upon you again. Not as long as Nathaniel has anything to say about it.”
As she said this she rose and went to the door. “I’ll be right back. I’ll just call for some food.”
Surprisingly, the one who returned with a bowl of soup was Lord Darshia.

“Hello Annabell!” He greeted as he walked in the door. Annabell tensed once again as she remembered more clearly what had happened the night she arrived Darmont. They were married.

“How are you feeling? Does your shoulder hurt?”
“I’m fine, thank you.” She answered. For some reason, she could not look in to his eyes, so she stared intense at her blanket.
“That is good. I see you have met Mrs Brown?”
“Yes I-I have, she has been very K-kind.” She could feel her skin start to burn as he sat on the bed beside her. Why was she stuttering?
Lord Darshia raised a hand, and let his fingers slide gently down her cheek, before grasping her chin lightly and turned her head, so she was forced to look at him.
His eyes overwhelmed her. They had no colour she had ever seen before. The blue colour was so strong, it looked almost grey. His eyes reminded her of the ocean in a wild storm. She could feel herself been paralyzed as she stared deep into his eyes, and she could not look away.

With an intense voice he pleaded. “Please believe me when I say, I would never do anything like that to you. You can be completely safe with me. I will also do my best to prevent you ever to experience anything like his ever again. You have my word!”
“It is fine.” Annabell whispered. “It is not your fault. “ She gave him a little smile, and he looked satisfied. “Very wel.l” He raised from the bed. “Try to eat and sleep a little. I will see you tomorrow.”

And not soon, after eating a bowl of delicious soup, Annabell fell back to sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Im sorry if it is a bit boring, it is kind of a filler.
Today i had a brainstorming with my Crew, so I have a lot of new ideas:)
though, im not sure i'll be able to update until the weekend:/