Forced to Love

Chapter 7

As the days went by, Annabell grew more and more accustomed to the present of Lord Darshia and Mrs. Brown. Mrs. Brown soon became the closest friend Annabell had ever known.
Lord Darshia continued with his daily visits, but soon he started to call on her twice a day. At first Darshia enjoyed Annabells rather quiet company, but as soon as they grew accustomed to each other, Annabell had started to open up for him. Now he discovered that the conversations with Annabell ment something for him. She was not only sweet and shy, but as she healed and grew stronger; her wit and sarcasm became more and more noticeable.
Nathaniel found her not only smart, but also funny.
Annabell was very impatient, after only just a fortnight she clamed she was well enough to leave the king-sized bed and function like every other human. This was something Mrs Brown objected strongly against.
And because she had been Nathaniel’s Nanny, he followed her orders and ordered Annabell to stay in bed at least another fortnight.

One evening, a month after her arrival to Darmont, Nathaniel called on her in her bedchamber. He studied her as he walked towards her. She was no longer the sad sight she had been when she arrived. She was still very thin, but the skin in her cheeks had gained a light pink colour, and looked less like wax. Her features were no longer so sharp, and her face had a very relaxed expression. And her eyes which had captivated him so, still fascinated him. If possible, the colour had intensified and they were now bluer than ever.
Her long hair waved around her head as she turned towards her.

“Hello, Nathaniel!” She greeted him eager. Nathaniel allowed himself to smile, something he seldom did. His name sounded special when it passed her lips.
“I am bringing good news for you.” He said as he sat on the bed beside her. “The fearsome Mrs Brown has permitted you to leave the bed” Annabell started to laugh. “If I may say so, it was about time.”
“Would you like to go to the nearby village with me? We will be in my coach” Nathaniel asked strangely nervous. “We can go home at once if you feel tired, and in any case you do need new clothes.”
“Oh! It would be wonderful. I am so tired of this bedchamber!” Annabell answered exited.

Dressed in one of Mrs Brown’s best dresses, Annabell followed Nathaniel to his coach. She had objected strongly of taking Mrs Browns best dress, but the little lady had laughed and said she would not use it this morning, so she did not mind at all.
While the coach approached the village, Nathaniel amused Annabell with pointing out different places were he had played as a child, and told her little stories about the people living in the county.

They arrived the village, and the coach stopped in front of a fancy-looking dress shop. As soon as Nathaniel entered the shop, every one of the employed gathered around him and obeyed his every wish. A long and thin lady asked him polite what she could do for him.
“Miss, I would like a full new wardrobe for my wife.” He said and gestured towards Annabell. A dozen eyes froze on her, and she blushed deeply. There was a moment of silence, before every last one of the assistants started to whisper to each other. “A wife? Lord Darshia has married?”
He was served a cup of tea, and shown to a comfortable chair. Annabell was shown to a little platform, and undressed until only her undergarment remained.
Then several dresses were shoved over her head, one after the other. Every time a new dress came, it was more beautiful than the last one. These dresses were half done, so the tailor did not have to work too much on the dresses.

After maybe an hour of trying on dresses Nathaniel rose from the chair. He could see that Annabell was tired, and barely could keep her smile on. Nathaniel had watched every dress she had tried on, and ordered more from the tailor. He new exactly which dresses he wanted to see her in and she did look stunning. “We will take all the dresses she has tried on today, and the dresses I discussed with you Miss.” Nathaniel said to the long thin woman. Annabells eyes widened “All this dresses?” She asked. ”You cant give me all these dresses! It is too much, it is a fortune! I can not even wear all these dresses. Surely one ore two would do!”
Nathaniel laughed, “No. You will take them all. Trust me, I will not go into bankruptcy.”
Annabell chose a light blue and white striped dress for her return and together Annabell and Nathaniel climbed in to the coach. The errand had exhausted Annabell more than she was willing to admit, and soon she could feel her eyes close. Before long, Annabell was in deep sleep with her head on Nathaniels shoulder.
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This is a terrible chapter, but it is another filler. I hope the next chapter will be better.
I will start working on Nathaniels dark plan^^

I love comments! They give me insperation!
I want to thank Crew for her amazing ideas ^^,