If You're Reading This

Chapter 2

At the end of school, Cheryl, me and our other friend, Priscilla were all sitting outside on a bench.
“And then, Winter killed Tim’s car!” Cheryl said dramatically.
I rolled my eyes, “I didn’t kill it. I can’t kill it. It’s an inanimate object…”
“Shut up.” Cheryl said, “Anyway, and she was talking to Tim…”
Priscilla sighed, “That’s SO romantic.”
“It’s not romantic!” I exclaimed, “You guys are so weird.”
Priscilla laughed but Cheryl shot me a glare filled with daggers.
Priscilla, Cheryl and I had been best friends since preschool. We had other friends of course, we were just each other’s closest.
“Winter?” I heard a hesitant voice ask.
I turned around and saw it was Tim. I blushed from the roots of my hair. How much had he heard.
Cheryl on the other hand looked as though she was going to faint.
Priscilla was checking out another boy as he walked by.
“Uh, yeah?”
“You ready?”
My mind drew a blank. Ready for what?
“Uhh…” I started to say.
“To come to my house.” Tim said, looking shyly at the ground.
“WHAT?!” Priss and Cheryl both yelped.
“Oh! Yeah!” I said, ignoring my friends.
“I figured I’d give you a ride. I called your parents and they said they’d pick your car up. I’ll give you a ride back to your place when you’re done.”
“WHAT?!” Priss and Cheryl repeated.
“Sounds good!” I said, ignoring them. I turned around, “I’ll…” I started to say but Priss and Cheryl had grabbed my arms and were pulling me somewhere.
“Don’t worry, Tim!” Priss was yelling over her shoulder, “She won’t be long!”
She and Cheryl pushed me against the wall of the school.
“Ow!” I complained, “You guys! What’s wrong with you two?”
“What’s wrong with US?” Cheryl growled, “I should be asking you the same thing! You’re going out with the man I’m in love with!”
“That is pretty shallow, Winnie.” Priss said, “Even I wouldn’t do that.”
Wow. Boy-watcher of the year wouldn’t do that. I was in the deep end now.
“Woah, you guys think I’m going out with Tim?” I began to laugh hysterically, “No! His dad gave me a job and he’s just driving me there.”
“He obviously likes you!” Cheryl snapped, “It’s obvious!”
“Well, what am I supposed to do about that?” I snapped back, “We’re just friends.” I said slowly, hoping it would get through their heads.
“Oh.” Priss said, letting go of me. Cheryl let go of me too, but she still looked mad.
“I’m sorry I made you guys think that!” I said honestly.
I heard someone clearing his throat. I looked up and saw Tim standing there with a goofy grin.

He always comes in at the PERFECT time, doesn’t he?
“If you lovely ladies will excuse me and this equally lovely lady, she’s going to be late for work.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Reviews make me happy. <333
