Remembering Sunday

Remembering Sunday

'Woke up from his dream & put on his shoes,
Started making his way, past 2 in the morning.
He hasn't been sober for days.'

The phone was ringing, making my head pound with regret of last night.
I didn’t answer the phone; I pulled the plug out of the socket. The phone instantly went quiet.
I wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone. I slowly drifted back to sleep.

'Leaning out into the breeze, remembering Sunday; he falls to his knees.
They had breakfast together, but two eggs don't last, like the feeling
of what he needs.'

My eyes slowly opened, I tried my hardest to forget the stupid dream.
She's gone, she doesn't love me anymore. She never loved me.
The memories of all the time we spent together came flooding back...
One in particular.

'Now this place seems familiar to him. She pulls on his hand with a devilish grin.
She led him upstairs, she led him upstairs, left him dieing to get in.'

I went away for two weeks to visit my family; I came back a little early. My friend Bryan told me about the party that he and Matt were going to throw, and that she would be there. So I went.

'Forgive me, I’m just trying to find my calling, I’m calling at night.
I don't mean to be a bother, but have you seen this girl?
She's been running through my dreams & it's driving me crazy, it seems.
I'm going to ask her to marry me.

I seen her at the party, I was walking up to her wearing a huge smile. I had butterflies in my stomach from just looking at her. She was beautiful. My smile faltered, the butterflies in my stomach turned into a twisted feeling. Anger, jealousy, sadness... Another guy wrapped his hands around her. She smiled and turned. They kissed.

'Even though she doesn't believe in love,
he's determined to call her bluff.
Who could deny these butterflies?
They're filling his gut.'

"Hey, Ryan! Bro! You made it!" Matt yelled. I didn't look at him; my gaze was locked on Rebecca.
How long had this been going on for? Was it only during the time I was gone, or even while I was here?

'Waking the neighbours, unfamiliar faces. He pleads though he tries.
But he's only denied. Now he's dieing to get inside.'

Her eyes widen, her mouth dropped. She didn't expect me to be back early.
Did Matt know that she was cheating on me? Would he have told me if he did?
She started walking towards me. "Ryan...” she said, I couldn't hear her though, and the music was much too loud. I just shook my head, turned around and started walking away.

'Forgive me; I’m trying to find my calling. I'm calling at night.
I don't mean to be a bother, but have you seen this girl?
She's been running through my dreams, it's driving me crazy, it seems.
I'm going to ask her to marry me.'

Whatever future we had got thrown out of the window. "RYAN!" I had heard her better now, the music slowly fading as I walked out of the house. I didn't turn around; I couldn't face her without breaking down. I'm Ryan, and I don't cry. Especially not over a girl.

'The neighbours said she moved away, funny how it rained all day.
I didn't think much of it then.
But it's starting to all make sense. Oh, I can see now,
that all of these clouds are following me in my desperate endeavour.
To find my whoever, wherever she may be.'

"Ryan." She grabbed my arm, turning me around to face her.
I looked at her face, trying to figure out what emotions she was feeling.
Regret, sadness, and something else I couldn't put my finger on.

[Juliet Simms.]
'I'm not coming back; I've done something so terrible.
I'm terrified to speak, but you'd expect from me.
I'm mixed up; I'll be blunt; now the rain is washing you
out of my hair, out of my mind. Keeping an eye on the world,
So many thousand of feet off the ground. I'm over you now,
I'm home in the clouds. Towering over your head.'

Her mouth kept opening, but no words came out.
A couple minutes passed, she sighed.
"Ryan, I’m sorry. I just, I just don't feel for you the way I used to and I guess I was just too afraid to tell you... You're a really nice guy Ryan, one day an amazing girl will come along, but that girl isn't me. Sorry." I nodded my head, turned and walked away.

'[Alex Gaskarth.]
I guess I’ll go home now...
I guess I’ll go home now...
I guess I’ll go home now...
I guess I’ll go home.'
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, this is my first story on here, I know it's kind of crap right now, but I tried. :]
If you want, comment.