
I'm Gonna Make You Love Me

Nick's P.O.V.

"This is it guys." I said jumping up and down. The adrenaline pumping through my viens making me slightly light headed. I loved this feeling, it's like a drug for me. 'This is my last chance. This is my last chance.'I kept repeating on my head.
"I'm happy to intoduce the Jonas Brothers!" Our opening act Demi Lovoto announced.
I high fived Demi as i ran past her on stage. I walked up to my mic and smiled at the huge crowd of fans.
'Time to win her back.'
* * Half-way into the concert.... * *
"Before we play this next song I'd like to dedicate it to a special someone. She means a lot to me and my family." I smiled at the crowd then continued. "Hannah? Will you please be mine?" I took the acoustic guitar from one of the stage hands and the song began.
"They come and go
But they don't know that you are my beautiful oh
I try to come closer with you
But they all say we won't make it through."

It my part of the song and I tryed desperatly to locate Hannah in the crowd.
"But I'll be there forever
You will see that it's better
All our hopes and our dreams will come true
I will not disapoint you
I'll be right there for you 'till
The end, the end of time
Please be mine oh."
"I'm in and out of love with you
Trying to find if it's really true
How can I prove my love if they all think
I'm not good enough."

I gave up on trying to find Hannah and focused on the show.
"But I'll be there forever
You will see that it's better
All our hopes and our dreams will come true
I will not disapoint you
I'll be right there for you 'till
The end, the end of time
Please be mine
I can't stop the rain from fallin'
Can't stop my heart from callin' you
It's callin' you
I can't stop the rain from fallin'
Can't stop my heart from callin' you
It's callin' you
I can't stop the rain from fallin'
Can't stop my heart from callin' you
It's callin' you."
This was the part of the song I really put everything I had in the song.
"But I'll be there forever
You will see that it's better
All our hopes and our dreams they will come true
I will not disapoint you
I will be right there for you 'till the end of time
Please be mine."

The song ended and I couldn't look at the crowd. During the last line I finally saw Lexi and Carmen but no Hannah.
"Ok everyone we have a special treat for you!" Kevin said jumping up and down from anticipation.
"We will be back in a second." Joe said before he ran off stage, followed by Kevin then me.
"Ok is everyone ready?" Dad asked.
"Yeah." Joe and Kevin said in unison.
"Oh...um..yeah." I said distarcted.
"You sure?" Dad asked concerned.
"Ok go back out there and we will start the videos."
I lead the way on stage and ran to my mic. As instructed the band started quietly playing "My Girl" (originaly by the Temptations).
"Now before we show you the surprise I would like all of you to keep an open mind. And remember the true fans will take the news with some respect." I said in a warning voice. "Ok. Now I'd like to intorduce Fate Marie Jonas!'
The screen behind us flickered to life and a picture of Fate appeared,
"Awww." I laughed at the fans reaction.
The screen changed to a video. Hannah was laying in a hospital room smiling at the camera.
"I'm so excited it's almost time!" Hannah squealed excitedly.
The film tranisioned to Fate's first birthday. I couldn't help the saddness that enveloped me, knowing I wasn't there.
"Happy Birthday!" Hannah said handing Fate her little cake. Fate stuck a hand into the cake then looked curiously at her hand. Then she began hitting the cake repeatedly.
"Wow you are just like your uncle Joe." Hannah said laughing.
I almost didn't see Joe's look of annoyance at Hannah's words because I was lost in my own little world as I watched the videos. This was the first time I had seen them.
The video faded out and was replaced with photos that had been taken the past two days. Joe and Fate. Kevin and Fate. Mom and Fate. And so on with the rest of the family. The picture of Fate and me was the night she walked to me. I hadn't realized someone took a picture. The last picture was of Fate, Hannah, and Me. The words underneath saying 'The perfect little family.' I looked away sadly.
The crowed was quiet. To quiet.
"Well for those of you that didn't catch on Fate is my neice." Joe said taking the lead in the news breaking.
"And mine." Kevin added.
"Fate is my daughter." I said quietly but the whole arena heard. This made the crowd come to life. There were lots of angery shouting.
"Everyone needs to calm down!" Joe said firmly into his mic.
"Please be the fans I know you are and accept this." I begged.
Some of the crowd quieted down. I sighed and looked to the side of the stage. That's when I saw her standing there tears streaming down her face. Without a second thought I ran towards her, completely ignoring the fact that the fans wanted an explanation. I stopped in front of Hannah and reached out to her.
"I told you!" she yelled at me. "I told you this would be a bad idea! They hate her!"
"Hannah you have to give them time to get used to this! It has to be shock." I said pleading with her.
Hannah glared at me a second more tears still staining her cheeks. She walked into my open arms and held onto me like I was the only thing keeping her alive.
"It's going to be alright." I whispered reasuringly to her.
"I hope so." I faintly heard her say.
"I promise we will be alright."
♠ ♠ ♠
Last chapter =[
Good news though that means a sequal! But the sequal is going to be a little different. I'm going to start with Hannah and Nick before Fate. Then maybe I will do one of their future, not sure though. But if you have anything you want to be in the story just say so. and I might need a girl for Kevin so if you want to be her then comment me telling me about your character.
I hope you enjoyed my story! =]
chapter title: "I'm Gonna Make You Love Me" by Stevie Wonder and Diana Ross