
Your Words They Surely Kill

I held in the tears threatening to fall and willed the sobs wanting to break free of my lips to subside before walking back downstairs. I followed the laughter and the voices into the kitchen. It looked like the Jonases and Selena were leaving. I stayed by the door not really paying any attention to the conversations going on around me.
"Hey Hannah I can I talk to you?" Selena asked appearing beside me.
"Yeah." I followed her into the hall away from the kitchen. I waited patiently for Selena to speak first.
"Stay away from Nick." Selena said.
I couldn't help but laugh at how serious she was.
"Seriously?" I asked in between bouts of laughter.
"Yes seriously!" Selena said irritated.
"Trust me I would if I could but maybe you haven't noticed Nick and I have a daughter together so get used to seeing me around." I said smiling at her, it was a totally fake one but at least it was a smile.
Selena stayed quiet a second contemplating her next move. Then she smiled at me evily.
"I don't see why you think you have a chance with him. You're a whore. And that mistake upstairs means nothing to him."
That's when I snapped. Hearing Selena talk crap about me is fine but as soon as she crossed that line and talked about Fay I had enough. I pulled my arm back, my hand in a fist. My hand connected with Selena's face causing her to fall to the ground with thud. I picked her up by the front of her shirt and pinned her against the wall.
"Say what you want about me but never say anything about my daughter." I said in a deadly whisper.
I was pulled off Selena by a pair of strong arms snaking around my waist. I continued to glare at Selena while everyone else fussed over her.
"Hannah what is going on?" My mom asked. She looked at expectantly.
"She attacked me!" Selena yelled before I caould talk.
"Why would she do that?" Denise asked.
"Because she told me to stay from Nick and I refused so she attacked me." Selena said tears falling down her face.
"Liar! Tell the fucking truth!" I yelled trying to jump at her again, but Joe's hold on me wasn't breaking.
"I am!" Selena yelled. She held on to Nick hugging him close to her.
"Hannah wouldn't do that." Joe said.
"Hannah what happened?" My mom asked. I could tell all ready nothing I said would change their mind; they beleived Selena.
"Selena told me to stay away from Nick. I told her I would if I could. She called me a whore and Fay a mistake. That's when I hit her."I said glaring at Selena.
"I would never say anything like that." Selena said innocently. "Right Nick?"
"Um...Yeah. Selena wouldn't say something like that." Nick said quickly. He didn't sould like he really believed what he said.
"What?" I yelled. I pushed Joe away and this time he let go. I faced Nick and took the promise ring, that Nick gave me, off and let it drop to the floor. Nick watched the ring fall a look of shock on his face.
"You can have that back. It means nothing to me." I said before turming away from Nick.
I walked away from him and everyone else holding in my tears. Then Nick said something stopped me in my tracks.
"Giving you that ring was a mistake. Because of that ring it lead mr to make another mistake probably the biggest one I've ever made, sleeping with you."
"I want you to stay away from me and Fate."I said. I didn't turn around to look at Nick. I just continued walking. And to think I wanted to be with Nick for the rest of my life.
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i know I said this would be the after math of Joe and Hannah's kiss but now that's going to be in the next chapter.
and I am not a Selena hater! I am a fan of hers but for this story she had to be like that.
so did you like the drama?
the next chapter is going to be Nick's point of veiw on the whole fight and after the fight.
chapter title:Words by. Between The Trees