Diehards and Journal Updates

Diehards and Journal Updates

November 14th, 2007

I'm scared. He stopped breathing that night. Only two hours after I finally fell asleep. They informed me of that when I arrived at the hospital the next day. I spent the night with him, lying by his side, careful not to touch the wires. The nurses were really sweet about it; they got me an extra blanket and food, good food not the crappy hospital kind. He wasnt awake during the day. He was conscious for three minutes after they shocked him, that was it. I miss his eyes, the loveliest shade of grey I have ever seen. I dont know why he did it, no one did. All the note said was goodbye. There was a separate one addressed to me. It said 'I love you'. I love him too, but I'm scared I'll never get to tell him that. I've got to go now journal, mom needs help with dinner.

-Until next time, Evan =[