Diehards and Journal Updates

Diehards and Journal Updates

November 23rd, 2007

I've written two notes. One to my parents, telling them I love them, and not to dwell. And the other to my friends, telling them the whole story behind Drew and I and why it ended the way it did. I'm so tired. I haven't slept in days. Insomnia can develop in the randomness of ways. When it happens, you will be by my side. This journal that has been through everything with me between my whining, crying, happy times, the beginning of Drew and I and now you will be here to watch me fall.
The pills are in my left hand; I'm rereading and writing with my right. They're sleeping pills. I told you I was tired. And within the next half hour I'll fall into a never waking sleep. This is the way it's meant to be. I'm sorry but not really

-Goodnight & Never to be again, Evan