What Hurts The Most

Sophie Harlem is your average 15 year old. She loves hanging out with her friends, going to the movies, and talking about boys..... including the Jonas Brothers! She is a pretty big Jonas Fan.


One day while Sophie was walking home from school, she sees and innocent little boy cross the street alone. Her only instinct is to get him out of harms way. What happens when one of the boy's brothers thinks Sophie is just a crazed, gold digger. Can Sophie prove she has good intentions? Find out in What Hurts The Most
  1. Trailer
    What does it take to prove your love to someone?
  2. Chapter 1
  3. Audition Results
    Sorry it's not a chapter.
  4. Chapter 2
  5. Chapter 3
  6. Chapter 4
  7. Chapter 5
  8. Chapter 6