Do I Really Love You, Or Is It Just Me?

Chapter 11

How dare she do this to him? The little bitch was going to pay. First, she takes his phone and “accidentally” loses it. Then, she leaves without telling him and doesn’t leave any way for him to contact her. Didn’t she know that she belonged to him? She was his property. And there was no way in hell that was ever going to change. She thought she could get away. She thought he couldn’t find her. He was going to find her. He did find her.

Thank God he had contacts. People who knew other people to get him the information he needed. They found out for him that she had moved to New Jersey with her parents and fag for a “brother.” God how he hated him, that boy was such a pansy. Oh well, he didn’t really care about him. As long as he got her back, then everything would be fine.

So he got on a plane on Tuesday and arrived in Jersey early on Wednesday morning. He spent the rest of that day and Thursday renting an apartment and finding the school she went to. Wasn’t that hard actually. Money speaks all language. Good thing his dad was an architect and got paid good money.

Then on Friday he paid her school a little visit. He got there around five minutes before the end of the day. He was kinda pissed that he wasn’t allowed on school grounds, but that was okay. He was patient and waited behind the school gates. A few minutes later and the doors opened and a throng of kids flooded outside. He waited and examined every single face, not missing one. Then he saw her.

She walked out the doors wearing red skinny jeans and a fitted Green Day shirt. She was walking over towards a tree on the other side of the grounds. He stared intently after her the whole time. It wasn’t until she felt his gaze and turned did he quickly hide behind the gate. Once he thought it was safe, he looked around the gate and could see her across the grounds under a tree, with a group of boys. That was the first straw. The second was when she began to give each one a hug. The bitch.

Then a surge of kids blocked his view and waited for all of them to clear. When they did, she and the boys were gone. Shit! Now what was he supposed to do?

He turned away from the school and walked down the street to the park and planned out his next move. He decided that she had to live somewhere close by, even in the neighborhood maybe. So he spent the next few hours wandering around the neighborhood, looking for her. And he wasn’t going to stop until he found her.

It wasn’t until it was completely dark out did he find her. She was outside, lying down across the sidewalk across the street from him. In fear that she would see him, he ducked behind a nearby tree and hid. He wanted his arrival to be a surprise. She was lying on top of something it looked like. He wasn’t exactly sure what it was, until she stood up.

She stood up and then a boy stood up. She was going to fucking pay now. The boy took her hand and led her into the house behind them. He ducked even more behind the tree and peeked around it when she turned around. He watched as she shivered and the boy took off his hoodie and put it around her. Then they turned around and headed into the house.

That bastard was also going to pay. He was even half attempted to go into the house after them but decided against it. He wanted to collect more information and plan everything out. He wanted his revenge to be perfect. But he would have her back soon. He was positive of it. Just like he was positive that she belonged to him. Always has and always will.
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BOO YAH! Third update today! *happy dance* Sorry, I had two cups of coffee today XP Anyway, sorry this is so short, all I could think of. Hope the content makes up for it! Thank you to drowningpagan for commenting so far! Hope you guys enjoy! And please comment! You all get red velvet cupcakes!