Do I Really Love You, Or Is It Just Me?

Oh la la!

I thought my heart was going to stop when I saw him. He was short, about two to four inches taller than me. He was dark skinny jeans and a black Misfits shirt like me. He had on fingerless skeleton gloves and he had a black mohawk with it ending in a fringe over his right eye, on both sides of the mohawk his hair was dyed red. He had a hoop through his lip and a hoop through his nose. And that’s when I realized, he was walking over towards the table I was at.

I didn’t realize that I was staring until Ray called out, “Hey, Frank, where’ve you been?”

I snapped out of my daze when he said that. This perfect person was their friend Frank? As he got closer, mohawk guy answered, “My teacher wanted to go over some work with me. Said that I’m slacking off. Eh, oh well. Who’s this?” When he reached the table he gestured to me and looked questioningly at the others.

“This is Raven, her and her friend are new here. Raven, this is Frank,” Gerard introduced us as Frank sat down across from me and next to Bob.

“Hi Raven!” Frank yelled at me and waved.

I couldn’t help but giggle and said, “Hi Frank!” He smiled at me and I couldn’t help but stare at him for a while. He was just so… perfect. I felt like a little school girl with a crush. Was that what this feeling was? I don’t know. I have never felt like this before in my life. Well, I did, or at least I thought I did. But, I’d rather not talk about that right now.

I blinked a few times when the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch. I stood up with the guys and threw my trash out. After he threw his stuff out, [strike]cute guy[/strike] Frank turned to me. “So, Raven, what classes do you have next?”

Gerard answered for me. “Her last two classes are with you, Frank.”

“Really? Awesome!” Frank exclaimed, a smile spreading across his face. Damn, this boy can make a girl swoon like crazy! And a couple of other things too. Oh yeah, the perverted side comes out whenever I get really hyper.

When we walked out of the lunch room, me and Frank said bye to the others and walked away. As we were walking down the hallway, Frank turned to me and said, “So Raven, are you ready for the rest of your classes with moi?”

My answer: a shy, “Yeah, I guess.”

What I was thinking: Hell yes!
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Hey, peoples! I was gonna write more, but i felt bad for making you guys wait for this so I decided to put it up now and add the rest later. And I'm not really too happy with this chapter, but hope you guys like it. And many thanks to leslie323 and XxBuryMeInBlackxX! They both get cookies and skittles for commenting! And they are the only ones who commented, even though it says I have 4 subscribers...So people! Please comment! Please! Anyway, hope you guys like this! Oh, and does anyone know how to make a banner that I can put on the summary thing of this?