All This Time How Could You Not Know?

Mikayla Gellar But everyone in Hollywood knows her as Mikayla Swift. Her idol is Taylor Swift and they're like sisters. She toured with Jonas Brothers two years ago and they are best friends. She doesn't think she's very pretty but everyone disagrees. She's got a voice that was made for Pop and Country her two genres.

Nicole Wood Mikayla's right hand girl (referred to as just that) it is the Nikki and Mikki show fo reals. Nicole joined Mikayla on her tour two years ago and should be onstage because she co-writes a ton of songs with Mikayla but likes to be backstage getting the rockstar treatment without having to work nearly as hard.
  1. Yup! That's me!
    Just a short intro...^comment^
  2. TADA!
    ^read & comment^
  3. The Bitch Said UP!
    Haha. I <3 27 Dresses.^commennt^
  4. "Tonight Will Be Fun"... He Is So Naive
    I love Kevin but ^^
  5. She Actually Got Sweet
  6. Just A Bit Of Retail Therapy.
    Commmment it bitches ;)