I Don't Belong Here

I'm Missing You Again

"Ms. Addie, can you come to the front desk? Someone's asking for you," the receptionist's voice crackled through the my speaker.

Holding it between my ear and shoulder, I murmured, "Yeah, be there in five."

After the receptionist hung up, I finished up my email to the Marie Music Group. Hopefully, with their reply, we would be aliases.

I sighed, and leaned back in my swivel chair.

Sitting up, I realized that my boss (also my uncle) had set up an appointment with an apparently, "hard rock band that is rising up the charts!"

My job was to work with them and find an engineer (or as many as they need), and to be their "connection" to anything else they need; i.e. guitar techs, drum techs, vocal specialists, all of that.

I stood up quickly, and walked briskly down the hallway. I looked to my right, and saw one of my co-workers in Marketing and Promo talking with Metallica.

I took two steps back and said poked my head into the room, "Hey, guys. Love the new album. Keep it up!"

James Hetfield raised his hand in acknowledgment, and said, "Thanks."

I nodded, and strode to the elevator, and pressed "LOBBY".

I walked out of the cramped space when it dinged! and before opening the door to the lobby (and therefore, the front desk), I smoothed out my hair and looked in the small window.

I couldn't really tell who they were, but I relaxed when I saw they had multiple piercings and tattoos; I flipped my septum back down, but cursed my Monroe retainer.

Then, one of the guys wearing a hat turned around, looking at what I guessed were the plaques we had on the wall.

Oh. My. God.

Brian Haner? Holy fucking shit.

I called my uncle, "Hey, yeah, Uncle James?"

"What's up? You talk to Avenged Sevenfold yet?"

"Well, here's the thing. I'll make it short and quick, since they're waiting outside. I went out with the guitarist in high school and he was a big dick to me and broke up with me because of my appearance. I don't want to talk to him. Can't you send another record producer over here?"

"No can do, Ads."

"Well, w-what about Mike Fraser? I mean, come on. ACDC, Metallica? The guy's a fucking legend."

"Business trip. Look, sweetie, I'm sorry, but you're gonna have to face him sometime. Look, just go out there. He probably won't recognize you, anyways."

"How will he not recognize me?"

"You lost weight, started using makeup, and your acne's all better, okay, bye," he stated quickly.

"Fuck!" I yelled. I pushed the doors open, and plastered a smile on my face.

"I am so sorry I'm late; Uncle - my boss called me and talked about business."

The guys stood in front of me, with Brian slightly smirking. I clenched my teeth together, and realized I forgot to introduce myself.

"Oh! I'm...," I paused. Oh, no! He'll totally remember me if I say my name.

"Sonny. I'm Sonny," I smiled. Yes! Addison...Sonny. It works.

"Hey, Sonny," said Matt.

God, they all look so fucking different...and the short guy. He wasn't here before.

"I'm M. Shadows." Matt.

"I'm Zacky Vengeance," Zacky said, holding out his hand. I shook it tentatively.

"Hey, I'm the Rev," Jimmy smiled, holding his hand up in acknowledgment.

"I'm Johnny Christ," said the shortest one.

"And I'm Synyster Gates," saiddipshit Brian.

"Alright, so, let's get a room and we'll talk."

"Oh, man, I love you," Brian looked at me with awe.

I chuckled, and looked everywhere but at him, and said, "Did you guys have lunch yet?"

They nodded, and I said, "Well, let's get to know you guys. I know it's unprofessional," I added quietly, "but I personally like to get to know my clients before working with them."

Matt nodded, "Sure. That's no problem."

I led them up to a small conference room and asked my assistant to bring up some snacks and water.

Once everything was set up, I asked, "So, personal or professional business first?"

"How 'bout personal?" Brian grinned.

Oh, this was going to be a long day.
♠ ♠ ♠
uhm, a lot of dialogue in the next chapter, if you can't tell. xD
P.S. sorry about that one link of "Addie" (portrayed by Jennifer Love Hewitt), it was my favorite picture of her, but it was in some web page thingy.

I found it on Google though. O_o