Flipping Coins

Light Bulb

“Emie, if you’re going to sulk the entire time, then I’m going to just take you back hom--”

“No!” I yelled, wide-eyed with fear of returning to that anti-social cave where everything was a topsy-turvy massacre of sorrow. Clutching the very cloth of Ryan’s baggy felt coat, I whined childishly, “Please! I beg of you! Have mercy on my disheartened soul, Mr. Ross!”

Ryan shot me a sideways smile. “That’s Master Ross to you, petty servant.”

“If I call you Master Ross, will you let me stay with you?” I suggested, hope lightening my previously bewildered expression.

Ryan pondered over what I had mentioned and finally nodded. “If you call me your master and prank call Grey, then we have done deal.”

I groaned, rolling my eyes. “But he’ll know it’s me, and he’ll kick my ass for disrupting his date with his girlfriend!”

Ryan crossed his arms and raised his head indignantly. “Then to home we shall go.”

“What if I let you ride that ridiculous haunted house with me instead?” I offered with raised eyebrows, knowing that wasting five minutes of my life in some cheesy thrill ride was far better than enduring an ass-whoppin from Grey.

Ryan was out of my sight in an instant. A mere flash of messy hair cluttered my sight before there was nothing in his place besides the distant call of “DEAL!”

After begging Ryan nonstop to pull me out of my cynical confinement, he had dragged me to the Nevada Tri-State Fair. I had only underwent one lousy Saturday of being locked inside my apartment, but I’ll tell you, that was far enough. Normally, I would have been out and about with Brendon, but he had plans with Evelia 24-7 these days.

Jon had to return to Chicago to visit his family, so I couldn’t call him to my aid without it costing a good 200 bucks. Grey had just got yet another girlfriend, while Spencer had Ginny to spend his free time with. That left me Ryan, who was currently on a break from relationships after the whole Keltie incident. (Or should I say Keltie incidents.)

But it wasn’t all downhill and distraught for me. Brendon called me the morning after I disappeared from his doorstep and arranged to have a ‘play date’ the entire following Tuesday, which was now two days away. Hopefully things would settle back to the way they were before all the unnecessary drama occurred.

“Ryan,” I began, hooking arms with the lanky boy, “You are about the lamest person I know, but also the coolest. Does that make sense?”

Ryan looked down at me and smiled. “Yes, it does. So what if I scream at plastic skeletons? Wearing these kick ass silk shirts earns me cool points, which makes up for my girly attributes in the long-run.”

“Well, gosh. You’ve just got it all figured out, don’t you?”

“Heck freaking yes I do.”

Ryan then yanked me toward a snack bar booth, determined to feast on some of the nearly-burnt popcorn they sold by the box. I ordered a drink and cotton candy, not starving but not ready to pass up on food either.

After we had our snacks in hand, I picked out a table overlooking a good portion of the fair grounds, and we sat down. Ryan cupped a handful of popcorn into his hand before popping the salty snacks into his mouth individually while I slowly picked at my cotton candy.

The silence became rather heavy after a few minutes, and I knew that I was going to have to start the conversation.

Pulling a chunk of light pink thread from my cotton candy, I decided to take a tiny baby step into the shallow end of serious issues. “So, have you met Evelia yet?”

Ok, so maybe it was more like a ginormous leap into the deep end.

Ryan gulped down the handful of popcorn and reached for another. “You mean Brendon’s girlfriend?” Oh, he just had to say that, didn’t he?

I let out a tiny sigh before stiffly answering, “Yes, Brendon’s girlfriend.” I mean, honestly. How many Evelias are out there?

Ryan nodded. “Yep. I met her a couple days back. Brendon brought her with him when he dropped off a jacket I left at his house.”

Peering up at Ryan with careful eyes, I quietly asked, “Do you like her?”

Ryan shrugged his shoulders a little, eyeing my soda hungrily. “She’s alright. I mean, don’t get me wrong, she’s pretty and nice and funny and all that jazz, but there’s something off about her. She’s too perfect for my taste. But Brendon likes too-perfect, so she works for him.”

Brendon does like too-perfect. That’s why he would never go for me. I was anything but too-perfect.

Ryan then looked at me curiously. “Do you like her?”

I lightly nodded. “She seems nice, as far as I can tell.”

Ryan cocked an eyebrow suspiciously. “What’s going on? Do you two already know each other or something?”

“No, did I say that I knew her already?”

Ryan shot me a knowing glance. “You should know by now that your poker face is useless against me.”

“But there is nothing to hide,” I argued, determined not to let him in on this secret. “I hold nothing against Evelia, and hopefully that goes for her to me as well.”

“Well of course it doesn’t, Emie.” Ryan reached across the table, stealthily making me focus on his words rather than the fact that he was stealing my root beer. “Of course Evelia envies you.”

Confused, I asked, “What do you mean? What could I possibly have that she wants?”

Ryan took a sip out of the purple bendy straw. Peering up at me, he simply stated, “Brendon.”

“But…but she has Bre---“

“Yes, she has Brendon, but she doesn’t have Brendon,” Ryan interrupted me. “Think about it, you’ve known Brendon for practically you’re whole life. You would sacrifice anything and do anything for him, and he would give up and do anything for you. Their relationship has a long journey till they reach the point where they will feel that way about each other. As of this moment, I’d say Brendon loves you way more than he thinks he could ever love Evelia.”

My heart swelled up, threatening to burst out of my chest. All of my thoughts were so jumbled up that ideas that would normally make no sense all became logical.

Brendon loving me? Even more than he loves (if we’re talking about love already) Evelia? Of course, he doesn’t love me the way that Prince Philip loves Sleeping Beauty, but he loves me. It was over my head and every nerve in my brain was ready to prove this statement wrong and, god, if my heart could beat any faster, but the point was that….

“Brendon loves me?” I whispered out loud.

I meant for the question to be rhetorical and to myself, but Ryan answered anyways, “Well, of course Brendon loves you. Why else would he try to kill himself over you?”

Can someone say blond moment?