I'll Walk


We were 18, it was prom night. We had our first big fight. He said "Pull this car over". I did and then I told him, "I don't know what you are crying for". I grabbed his hand, as he reached for the door.

“Joe, don’t go. We need to talk about this. I’m sorry. For whatever I did.” Kevin pleaded, begging Joe not to get out of the car. He had a bad feeling. Something in his gut told him not to let Joseph out of his sight.

Determined as ever, Joe reached for the door handle and gripped it tightly.

Reaching up, Kevin watched as Joe wiped away each tear as it rolled down his flushed cheeks.

Grabbing Joe’s hand, Kevin listened as he spoke.

He said, “I'll walk. Let go of my hand. Right now I'm hurt, and you don't understand. So just be quiet. And later we will talk. Just leave, don't worry. I'll walk. “

“Not now, Kev. Just, just give me some time. We’ll talk later.” Joe muttered as he got out of the car.

Kevin could only watch as his boyfriend of nearly a year walked away from him.

“I’ll be fine.” Kevin heard Joe repeat as he closed the door. “I’ll walk.”

It was a dark night, a black suit. Driver never saw him, around the bend. I never will forget the call, or driving to the hospital, when they told me his legs still wouldn't move. I cried, when I walked into his room.

Cell phone still gripped tightly in his hand, Kevin ran into the emergency room.

Running to the nurses station, Kevin tried to speak through his tears.

“Please…my boyfriend…car accident.” He managed to gasp out, tears still falling.

“Oh.” Was the nurses reply. “Room 12.” She lowered her head as Kevin took off down the hall.

Coming to a stop outside of Joe’s room, Kevin took a deep breath and willed his tears to stop. Reaching for the door handle, he slowly pushed it open.

He gasped when he saw his lover.

Lying in a hospital bed, covered in bruises and bandages, Joe looked up as Kevin walked in.

The flood gates opened as Kevin rushed to Joe’s side.

He said, “I'll walk. Please come and hold my hand. Right now I'm hurt, and I don't understand. Lets just be quiet, and later we can talk. Please stay, don't worry. I'll walk.”

“Shh, Kev. I’m ok. Baby, please. I’ll be fine.” Joe spoke through his own tears.

“I’m sorry, oh god, I’m so sorry. I never should have let you go tonight.” Kevin cried as he gently held Joe.

“Not your fault, Kev. I was mad and stupid. But I’m alive.” Joe spoke quietly.

“But…” Kevin started but Joe cut him off.

“No. Please, just be quiet. I need that right now. I’m so scared, Kev. My legs, they don’t know if I’ll ever walk again.”

Hearing Joe say it made Kevin gasp.

“Please, just hold my hand.” Joe whispered. “We’ll talk later.”

Lacing their fingers together, Kevin held Joe’s hand tight.

I held his hand through everything. The weeks and months of therapy. And I held his hand and asked him, to be my husband.

It had been six weeks. Six weeks since the car had hit Joe on Prom Night. Kevin had been by his side every step of the way. He watched as Joe pushed himself into exhaustions with his theropy.

Always smiling, Kevin held Joe’s hand as he took his first steps since the accident. Granted it was with the aid of braces, Joe still stood holding Kevin’s hand tight and stepped forward. Seconds later, Kevin found himself with an armful of a deliriously happy Joe.

Helping him to the nearest chair, Kevin watched as Joe smiled. The first real smile in weeks.

“Marry me.”

Joe froze. With wide eyes, he looked down at Kevin who was still on the floor.

“What?” Joe managed a squeek out.

Kevin smiled as he took Joe’s hand in his own.

“Marry me. Be my husband.” Kevin smiled the biggest smile Joe could ever remember seeing.

“Yes.” Joe answered with falter.

Grinning, Kevin scooped Joe up into his arms.

Three weeks later

He’s dreamed from a little boy, to have his daddy bring him down the isle. So from his wheelchair, he looks up to him and smiles.

“I can do this, daddy.” Joe spoke softly. “Please say you’re ok with it. I know you love Kevin. You and Mom have both been so accepting of us and our relationship.” Joe went on, looking up at his father from his wheelchair.

Joe’s father couldn’t help the tears that formed in his eyes. This was his only son, his baby boy. He was all grown up now, ready to start his own life. As hard as it was going to be, Paul knew what he had to do.

And says, “I'll walk. Please hold my hand. I know that this will hurt, I know you understand. Please daddy don't cry. This is already hard. Let's go, don't worry. I'll walk.”

Dressed in a black pinstripped suit, Joe looked up and spoke.

“I’ll walk, daddy. Just hold my hand.” With tears flowing freely down his cheeks, Paul gripped his son’s hand tightly, helping him stand.

“You ready, Joseph?” His father asked.

Seeing his father cry broke Joe’s heart.

“Please don’t cry. You have nothing to worry about. Kevin loves me. He’ll take care of me. This is already hard enough, daddy. Please, for me, don’t cry.”

Shaking his head, Paul smiled at his son.

“Ready?” He asked once more.

“Ready.” Joe said.

Joe watched as the doors in front of him were pushed open. Gasps were heard throughout the church room as Joe walked down the isle.

Seeing Kevin ahead of him, Joe mouthed.

“Don’t worry. I’m fine. I’ll walk.”
♠ ♠ ♠
A/N: Everytime I hear this song I cry and tonight when it came on the radio, for some reason, all I could see was Kevin and Joe. So really, I just sat here and wrote this in like 25 minutes. I wrote it more for myself but I wanted to share it. Thoughts? Comments? All are loved and appreciated.