Sequel: Save Me

You're Right That It's Wrong To Spend the Night Alone


"Will?" I whispered into my phone that night.

"Ry, hey."

"When can we talk?"

"Hotel!" Brendon squealed. "Ryan, let's share!"

"Actually, Bren, do you mind if I borrow Ryan for the night? I have some things on my mind that I need to talk over with him. We'll probably end up writing a song somewhere in there." Will smiled his small, sheepish smile.

"Aww." Brendon pouted. "Okay..."

"Thanks, Brenny. Come on, Ry, let's go." Will took my hand and led me to the elevator, squishing us in as the last two people.

The last thing I saw before the doors closed was Brendon hugging Gabe Saporta.

"So what's on your mind?" Will sat down cross-legged on my bed beside me, handing me a bottle of water.

I shrugged. "I don't know what to do about him."



"What's the deal with you guys?" Will looked genuinely interested.

"Well, we're kinda... together... all the time, but we're not like... together."

"So...What, you like him, but you can't be with him?"

"Um, no, not quite."

He waited for me to explain, but when I didn't, he asked softly, "Then what do you mean, Ryro?"

"We... um... We have sex and do all that kind of stuff together, but um... I don't think he likes me... Like, at all. I think...h-he just likes the sex and the power over me, you know?" My head was bowed down, but I looked up at him from under my long eyelashes.

"Wow...Ry, I really didn't expect that."

"I...I'm sorry, I can go see if someone else can-"

"No, Ryan, you know I don't care about that. But I can't believe you let it get that far without you telling him."

"I'm sorry, Will." I pulled my knees up to my chest.

"Ry, come here." He opened his arms and I crawled into his lap. "I love you, Ry. I just want you to be happy. And on that subject, I think you should tell him."