Sequel: Save Me

You're Right That It's Wrong To Spend the Night Alone


My eyes slowly opened, and I groaned softly.

"Morning," a soft voice said, and I turned to see Will propped up on an elbow.

"Morning," I mumbled back, and turned to cuddle into him.

He wrapped his free arm around me, slowly rubbing my back.
"Gabe's gonna be over in about twenty minutes, you want to get up?"

I shrugged, and kissed his chest, pulling away.
I was running my hands through my hair when I realized he was staring at me.
"What? Do I have something on my face?" I instinctively covered my face up.

"No," he whispered, and looked down.

"What's wrong, Will?" I sat on the edge of his bunk.

"Ry..." He finally looked up, and reached out for my hand.

I curled my fingers around his. "Are you okay?"

Instead of replying, he took the sleeve of my shirt and gently pulled it up, turning my arm over.
As the angry red marks came into view, I jerked my arm away from his grip.

"No, I'm not okay," he finally replied. "I'm really worried about you, Ryro."

"I...I'll be fine."

He shook his head. "Ry, I really think you need to see a therapist."


"Please, Ryan." He looked up at me again, and I was shocked to see tears in his eyes. "Please. I'll set it up and pay and everything, all you have to do is show up, if that's what you want, just... please."

"Will..." I gently cupped his face. "If you really think I should..."

He nodded.


"Okay," he sighed. "I'll do it. But only for you."

I tried to laugh. "Better than not at all."

He smiled a little, and it took all I had in me to not lean forward and kiss his soft lips.

I tore away from him. "I have to get dressed," I mumbled, pulling my shirt off.

He smiled, kissing my shoulder. "I'll be out front."


"Hey, Ry." Gabe smiled at me, coming in the door.

"Hey, Gabe. What's up?" I tried to smile back.

"Not much, where's Billy?"

"Getting dressed."

"Mmm." He nodded, then paused. "Are you okay?"

I shrugged. "Will convinced me to go to therapy."

"Hey, that's good, Ry. You need to get some of this shit out."

I nodded a little. "Did you, um... Did Will tell you about Brendon?" My voice cracked on his name.

"Um... No... Did you guys break up?" He winced.

"Not exactly." I paused. "Well, yeah, but um... I walked in on him and Martin." I looked up from my hands.

His jaw dropped. "What a slut!"

I giggled, then covered my mouth. "Sorry."

He smiled a little. "It's okay... Well, hey, now you know Will's gonna go after you."

I cocked my head. "Will? I thought you and he-"

"We are. But in case you're totally oblivious, Will pretty much worships the ground you walk on. And even I'll admit to thinking that you're adorable."

I blushed, mumbling, "Um, thanks."

"Gabe!" Will came flying out of the bunks, tackling him.

I giggled as Gabe fell to the floor, stuck under Will. "Hey, bebe."

Will smiled, kissing Gabe. "Hey." Will rolled off of Gabe, standing up, and pulled Gabe back up to his feet.

They piled onto the sofa with me, Gabe beside me and Will laying on top of us.

I stroked Will's hair, and he tilted his head back, his eyes closed. "Hmm."


"Let's do something today."

Gabe ran his hand down Will's leg absentmindedly. "Like what?"

Will shrugged, and I tugged on his hair experimentally, giggling.

He tensed up, his eyes squeezing together.

"Sorry," I mumbled, and he just smirked a little bit.

"It's okay."

Gabe was still stroking Will's leg. "When do you play, bebe?"

Will shrugged. "We go on at like seven."

"So we have all day... Ohmigod. Let's go shopping."
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I TOLD you these would go up fast.