Sequel: Save Me

You're Right That It's Wrong To Spend the Night Alone


Brendon stood, resting against the wall.

I looked up Will, swallowing hard.

He nodded, still looking at Brendon. "Yeah." He looked back at me. "Ry?Are you okay?"

I'm sure my face got guarded again. "Fine."

Will looked confused.

"Hey, guys, can you leave Ry and me alone for a few minutes?"

Everyone got up silently, filing out the door, except for Brendon, Will, and me.

"Will, seriously, can I talk to him alone?"

Will kept looking at me. "You remember what I said. You have my new number, right?"

I nodded silently, and Will wrapped his arms around my shoulders, kissing my forehead. "I'll see you later."

He walked out.

"Come here, Ryan." Brendon sat down on the sofa and patted the seat beside him.

I sighed, but sat down beside him anyway.

"You know I love you, right, Ry? You're my best friend and all?"

I nodded, feeling my heart turn down.

"I'm not ready to come out... You said you understood that."

"I do."

"I just wanted to make sure that I'm not part of the problem." He finally looked up at me, his brown eyes searching mine.

"You're fine."



I'd lie, if that would make him happy.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you so much to xkaxpowx, amy_iero DX, FrEaK oF lIFe, and

They commented! Yay!
So this chapter goes out to you lovely folk.
<3 Manda