Show Me Love

Where Are You?

The club was awfully dark as Alexandra shuffled against the moving crowd of women. Noticing that some looked to be fourteen or fifteen made her a bit nervous, as she wondered if her friend, Clarissa, knew that she was curious about both genders at such a young age as well. Personally, Alexandra herself still couldn’t believe that she was doing this, and pondered more on why she called Chelsea in the first place. Before she left her studio apartment, Alexandra even bothered to put some make-up on her face. It was amazing to her how much she was thinking about ways to impress Chelsea, and it scared her. What if I’m not as pretty as her? she thought sullenly as she gave out a sigh of defeat and finally sat herself down on a small love-seat somewhere in the corner of the huge room.

The lights of blue, green and red flashed everywhere, remembering the shadowed corners of the room and sometimes, all three lights would flash in her eyes, causing Alexandra’s slight annoyance. She crossed her legs, and looked down at herself. She wore a pair of tight skinny jeans and found that even though its original color was navy blue, it was seemingly black against the lighting arrangements. It was getting hard for her not to get lost in her thoughts, and as she waited longer for Chelsea’s arrival, some women sauntered their way over to her. With drinks ready in their hands, the three women surrounded her so well, that Alexandra couldn’t even find the lights anymore. “Hey, sweetheart,” a woman with blonde hair greeted in an intoxicated manner. She was pretty, but that would be all the silent compliment Alexandra would give her as her eyes delved into every detail of her figure. Maybe just for one night; Alex wouldn’t deny herself the pleasure of appreciating the beauty of someone so provocative.

The other two women sat on the armrests, and smirked to the blonde one standing in front of her. Alexandra found it a bit hard to breathe at the moment, and suddenly panicked over the fact that she was unaware of how long she’d been waiting for Chelsea now. Maybe she changed her mind, Alexandra thought, as she already tried to think of ways to leave the damned place. “So, are you waiting for someone?” the blonde one asked casually as she leaned forward, parting her legs so she could sit on Alexandra’s laps. “Or were you waiting for me to be enticed by you so I’d come over, huh?” The woman chuckled a bit as she simultaneously glanced at her two audiences beside her prey, and blinked a secret message to them. Just as she did so, Alexandra felt the vultures at both of her sides begin to untangle the straps of her halter top at the base of her neck. She struggled lightly against their fingers, but no avail, as the blonde woman who voluptuously introduced herself as Selene inched her face closer to Alexandra’s and tilted her chin with a finger.


Oh, God, please help me, I begged to no one in my mind. My heart was close to having a cardiac arrest as I wondered how my heart could possibly take all this horrible “excitement” in one night. I’ve just been stood up by a girl who I’m sure had no interest in me in the first place, and now lesbians were trying to seduce me. That night could not have gotten any worse, but I started taking that thought back as Selene held the back of my head and forced me toward her lips. I closed my eyes and desperately tried to think of the happier times in my life when Nathan was good to me and didn’t run off with my other best friend.

“Who the fuck do you think you’re trying to get with, Selene?”

I opened my eyes, with excited recognition that nothing had touched my lips yet, and the lights from before were suddenly in my eyes again, and saw yet another woman behind Selene. Selene was quick to get off me, when I saw that someone dragged her harshly by her hair. She whimpered in pain and her two friends followed her nervously with some mild complaints. “Chelsea, we were only trying to look for girls. The clean ones, that is.” While I listened to their gentle come- back to Chelsea, I tied my straps together again and sighed with relief. “Not this one,” I heard Chelsea hiss at them. “She’s mine.” There was no sense of possession at all at how she said it, but instead the feeling of security warmed my whole being, and I couldn’t help but smile at her. I know she saw me doing so because she turned her head, along with all those lights seeping away from the edges of her face, darkening her actual beauty.

When the other women left abruptly, Chelsea sat down next to me and apologized endlessly. “Oh, my God, I’m so sorry, Alexandra, I—“

“Where were you?” I demanded angrily, and pretended to have regained my self- composure. “I’ve been waiting here for over an hour.”

“I know, but—wait, you’ve only been here for twenty minutes, Alex,” she chuckled. “I was only twenty minutes late.”

Only?” I glared at her and crossed my arms over my chest, and looked straight ahead the dance floor.

Chelsea sighed ruefully. “Alright, fine, it’s still no excuse, but I had to do some things at home first.”

“What did you have to do?” I snapped.

“Nothing, just trying to look good for you, jeeze.”

I turned to her then with my mouth half-open. “Why would you do that?”

“Well, I’m the one who asked you out here, so I thought it might be rude for me to look bad and if I look bad, then you look bad.” I couldn’t help but laugh at her response.

“Wow, you’re conceited,” I told her shyly, uncrossing my arms, and finally facing her.

“I’m not conceited,” she contradicted. “I’m just stating the fact.” We both laughed whole-heartedly, and suddenly, my anger just melted away in her eyes, as she still silently looked apologetic. She looked different from this morning; her hair was loose now, and where her hair used to be just one fine wave, they were everywhere now, prideful and with extravagant volume. They shone, even in the shadows of the night. Before I could stop myself, I found myself already reaching for her hair and holding it in my palm as if it were something sacred. Embarrassed at my sudden actions, I quickly pulled back and grinned timidly. Chelsea only moved closer to me until our hips touched, and when I glanced down at her, I saw that she wore no more than a black tank top graced with a pale cleavage. Her pants were baggy this time, though. When she saw me staring at her attire, she commented that she didn’t mean to wear baggy pants for our “special night” but she really had to rush out if she were to meet up with me.

I was pleased that she’d said so, and I felt my face flush with red. “You look great,” she said, taking her turn in staring at me. She held my hand away from the rest of my body and smiled gleefully at what she saw. “Incredible,” I heard her whisper approvingly. Then, “Listen, I wanted to apologize for whatever happened between us last night. I know everything was too quick, but you were just so…different.”

“Different,” I asked. “How?”

“You know, like… you came here to get over your ex, but straight girls don’t come here, because even though we’re all women, this place can still be dangerous.”

I know I took her word for it when I looked around the room and saw Selene and the rest staring me down like they were going to have me for dinner. “So!” Chelsea exclaimed as she sat up. “What do you say we get outta here?”

“But this is where you said you wanted to meet up, wasn’t it?”

“Yeah, but that’s only because you don’t know where I live, Alexandra.” When she started leading me away from the crowd by my hand, that’s when I braced myself for the introduction to an altogether different world.
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This chapter is dedicated to Theo. Comment, guys! We can't continue this effort without your critiques. And we certainly won't become better writers.