Show Me Love

One-Woman Girl?

They had only walked half way according to Chelsea, saying that her apartment was only 3 more blocks away. However, knowing the city those blocks were probably the 3 longest blocks known to man. Alexandra sigh, being in small heals jealous of Chelsea's chucks that she had on. Little did Alexandra know, or rather decided not to think on was that her heals and most of the articles of clothing may not even stay on.

"Really? I thought you said you lived close?" Chelsea laughed as they stopped at a green light, cars whizzing by. Chelsea took Alexandra's face into her hands and looked at her in the eyes. Alexandra could feel a pleasant tingle crawl up her spine as Chelsea leaned in and gave her a sweet tap-kiss.

"You are the cutest. We'll be there soon, I promise. I'll give you a nice massage if you want me to?" Alexandra blushed when a voice from behind her made her blood freeze. A voice she didn't expect to hear for a very long time and what made it worse was the fact that she knew the person this voice came from saw the kiss she had just received from Chelsea.

"Alex?" Alexandra held her breath and slowly turned around to see Nathan standing there were herbest ex-best friend, Karina, in his arms. Chelsea looked at the man and then at Alexandra, she could tell exactly what was going on. Nathan stood up straight letting go of Karina and staring down Chelsea.

"Hello, Nathan." Nathan smirked looking between the two and began to laugh. Chelsea clenched her jaw and grabbed Alexandra's hand pushing her slightly behind her.

"So, I dump you and you get all sad a depressed that you turn into a lesbian?! HA! This is fucking priceless." His words stung her. He had never been so cruel before but when he told her how 'ugly' and 'boring' she was to him her heart had never been beaten so hard before. She had loved him, really and truly but for some reason he only pretended to return the feeling. Alexandra could feel the tugging and pulling at her heart as emotions from when times were good and when times were bad were beginning to creep up on her but suddenly faded as Chelsea spoke.

"What your mouth smart ass. She obviously came to me because I satisfy her better than you ever fucking could. Let's go Baby." Chelsea glared him down, as Nathan stood there speechless. Karina giggled slightly finding the situation funny and then looked over at Alexandra sadly. Alexandra never looked at either of them as she took hold of Chelsea's hand feeling the warmth and comfort come from it, she felt secure holding her hand.

Chelsea brought her closing seeing her needing the comfort and security from the asshole behind them and walked on. Chelsea gently kissed Alexandra's forehead and led her to her apartment without another word being spoken. Sure, Chelsea wanted to ask questions but she knew it was best if she didn't know. As a matter of fact, she didn't want to know Alexandra's past, and no it wasn't because Alexandra was just going to be a good fuck for a while and then she would move on to the next girl, it was because she felt like she didn't need to know Alexandra's past. What was there for her to know? The only thing she needed to know was how Alexandra felt in the moments she was with Chelsea. Chelsea only cared about Alexandra in the now, in the moment where it mattered most about who Alexandra was.

They were finally there and it was only the three long blocks away like Chelsea had said. Chelsea quickly opened the door and led Alexandra inside and a few stairs. They came to the apartment 4A and Chelsea opened the door, and to Alexandra's surprise, the apartment was covered in candles making the apartment almost glow. They were all an assortment of black, purple, and red candles that gave the room and very odd colored glow with white drapes covering the windows. Wooden floors and in-between the two couches that were in the living room was a thick plush carpet that had strawberries, cherries, and champagne with chocolate sauce right next to it. Alexandra's heart wanted to melt seeing that this was why Chelsea was late to the club.

"Hope you like fruit." Chelsea whispered from behind her, took Alexandra's coat from her, and placed it in a closet by the door. Alexandra slipped off her heals and sat on the carpet looking up at Chelsea who was taking off her shoes.

"I can't believe you did all this for me." Chelsea looked down at her and smiled. She got onto the carpet with her and gently kissed Alexandra on the lips again.

"You're too beautiful to be walking around in a dirty club. Plus, I wanted you to myself." Alexandra blushed hard, thinking that Chelsea must have been out of her mind thinking that she was beautiful. Alexandra never considered herself beautiful especially after that break-up with Nathan. She considered herself plain and normal like any other woman, but apparently, to this amazingly gorgeous woman that was sitting in front of her dipping a strawberry into the chocolate sauce, Alexandra was beautiful.

"Say, 'Ah'," Alexandra hesitantly opened her mouth as Chelsea fed her the strawberry. Chelsea could see how tense Alexandra was and after she was done with the strawberry told Alexandra to lay on her stomach.

"My stomach?" Chelsea smiled and nodded her head. Alexandra furrowed her brow but did as she was told and Chelsea undid the tie on her halter-top. Alexandra really tensed up at that point making Chelsea chuckle and placed her hands on Alexandra's shoulders.

"Alex, calm down. I'm only going to give you a massage. Okay?" Alexandra nodded her head and lay back down. Chelsea quickly grabbed a pillow from the couch and placed it under Alexandra's head to make her more comfortable.

Chelsea started to work her hands down Alexandra's back, her thumbs pressing hard against the tense muscles that lay beneath Alexandra's skin. Alexandra let out a small moan relaxing her shoulders as Chelsea moved her shirt up and worked on her lower back.

The muscles there were tense also and she pressed against them with the heal of her hand making small circular motions. Alexandra let out a content sigh, enjoying the pressure on her lower back being relieved. Chelsea smiled to herself seeing this as an opportunity to raise Alexandra's shirt over her head.

"To get in there deeper." Chelsea whispered and Alexandra let her remove her halter and work more on her back. Chelsea quickly got one over her oils from the small cupboard on the floor and rubbed them into her hand and then onto Alexandra's back. Alexandra let out another airy moan with the way Chelsea's hands worked her back, relieving her of all the stress from the pass few days. Gently going over Alexandra's butt she would give it a light squeeze and see the muscles in Alexandra's lower back tense and then relax.

Soon Chelsea flipped Alexandra, Alexandra blushing like a fool, never being topless in this manner before in front of a woman. Chelsea smiled and saw Alexandra's small perky breasts stand hard in the cold air.

"Close your eyes and relax." Chelsea whispered and took some more oil and began massaging her breasts. Chelsea couldn't believe how soft they were and how well they fit in the palm of her hand. This woman was turning her on so much she could no longer contain herself. Bending down she played with Alexandra's nipple with her thumb first making sure it was hard and gave it a small lick. Alexandra gasped looking down at Chelsea who then engulfed Alexandra's whole nipple in her mouth sucking on it lightly.

Chelsea continued to play with the other one as her tongue worked circles around Alexandra's nipple causing Alexandra to buck her hips into Chelsea's. Chelsea brought her head up to Alexandra's and began kissing her passionately; surprisingly getting a very good reaction from Alexandra who dared herself to let her hands roam Chelsea's body. Chelsea's hand then slipped from Alexandra's breasts as the two kept kissing and into Alexandra's pants. Chelsea went past the barrier that was Alexandra's tiny little thong and let her fingers play with Alexandra's clit.

Alexandra let out a loud moan, pulling away from Chelsea as Chelsea rubbed her little knob a bit harder feeling Alexandra become wet from all that Chelsea was doing to her. Never had Alexandra been sexually stimulated this way, it always being about Nathan getting off and never her really. Chelsea quickly pulled out her hand, licked her finger to taste Alexandra's juices, and then stuck her hand back down to watch Alexandra writhe in pleasure.

"So, wet..." Chelsea whispered as she kissed Alexandra's neck and down to her breasts when banging on Chelsea's interrupted all this hot and heavy foreplay door.

"CHELSEA! OPENING THE FUCKING DOOR! I KNOW THAT SLUT IS IN THERE WITH YOU!" Chelsea sighed upset, because she knew just a little longer and she would have made Alexandra climax repeatedly. She wanted to make her so badly but sadly ex-girlfriends got in the way too much. Chelsea pulled out her hand and gave it one last lick while looking at Alexandra and smirking. Alexandra was blushing like crazy, trying to get her top on.

"Relax. Wait in my room." Alexandra nodded her head and walked into Chelsea bedroom placing her top on and coat. She thought about what was happening with her, what was about to happen? Did she really want that?

'Fuck, Jennifer, what the hell do you want?" Chelsea asked as she opened the door to see a distraught looking Jennifer.

"You were fucking her weren't you?!" Chelsea just rolled her eyes and struggled to keep Jennifer out of the house.

"Go home. Okay? We had a few nights together, that's it. Go home, Jennifer." Jennifer huffed and walked out off obviously pissed that Chelsea was choosing Alexandra instead of her. Chelsea sighed closing her door only to turn around and find Alexandra there with her stuff in hand, ready to leave.


"Thank you for the nice evening, Chelsea but I have work. I should really go." Alexandra kept her eye contact with the floor. Chelsea took a deep breath seeing she was getting cold feet and nodded her head.

"I'll get you a cab." Alexandra smiled at her feebly and walked out with her to get a cab. All the thoughts running through her head she didn't know what to think, did she really like this girl? Did she really want to have sex with her? She was so close...was Chelsea really like Clarissa had said?

"Hey, Alex." Chelsea pulled Alexandra to her right when the cab pulled up.

"I want to see you again. Don't let Jennifer discourage you okay?" Alexandra looked up into Chelsea's eyes and saw something different about her.


"Don't believe everything Clarissa tells you. I think you might be changing me..." Chelsea whispered as she led Alexandra into the cab. Alexandra looked at her shocked and kept watching her as she drove off. Could she really be changing the rumored womanizer of Manhattan into a one-woman girl?
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FORGIVE ME!!! I know it took long but I hope you enjoy!