A Young Men's Camp for Juvenile Delinquents... and I'm a girl.

So... the weather... crazy isn't it?

Dinner was... how can I put this nicely? Terrible. My 'mystery meat' was grey and the 'carrots' were a strange redish color. The soup was completely unedible, as it had the tendancy to melt anything it came into contact with, including my spoon. Even though I much preffered Clole's company to Adam's, we had a curfiew.

The walk back to the cabin was quiet, almost eerie. When I reached the forest the feeling of paranoia grew stronger... my instincts were telling me to run, so I did. The reason for my discomfort was soon evident as someone muttered 'fuck' under their breath and a twig snapped. When the cabin was in sight I started sprinting, it meant hope. But what if Adam wasn't there? And even if he was, would he help me? My feet touched the wood of the porch, I was home free... or not. A strong set of arms grasped my hips, spinning me around to face them. Tough there was light coming from one of the cabin windows, I couldn't see his face. All that I could figure out was that he was much stronger than me. My eyes widened in horror as my heart doubled it's rate. He was going to rape me... Luckily the man wasn't farmiliar with the cabin as he shoved me roughly against the door, causing it to swing open and me to tumble in a heap on the floor inside. Looking up I saw my beacon of hope, Adam was slowly rising from his possition on his bed, a look of rage on his face. The man that I could now see clearly wore an expression of shock. He was well built, but would be no match for Adam. Realising this, the man quickly turned to leave and ran, but not before delivering a swift kick to my stomach. An intense pain spread through me, and I cowered into a small, protective ball. Adam was at my side in seconds.


"Joe" I corrected him weakly.

"Joe, are you okay? Please, let me see." His voice wasn't caring, but urgent.

"It hurts too much... just make it stop, please!" I wheezed. Then I remembered, hadn't Houdini died from a simple puch to the gut? Oh shit!

"Shh, you're not going to die. I won't let you. Calm down and let me see your stomach, I just need to know how bad it is." Now he was demanding.

I turned over and let go of the hold I had on my legs. Lifting my shirt just to my rib cage, Adam probed my abdomen with expert fingers, as if he were a doctor.

"You're gonna be fine, just lits of bruising. He didn't hit anything too vitaly improtant. Here," He got up and walked over to a small medicine cabinet and tossed me an orange bottle, "take one of those and I'll help you get to your bed." I popped one of the tylenol 3s in my mouth, dry swallowing it and let myself be scooped up in my savior's strong arms. After I was placed on my bed I was told (that's code for ordered) not to tell anyone what had happened.
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I'm terrible at writing, I know... But thanks to everyone who has read and subscribed! I love you bunches!

It's funny, I always hated it when people would beg for comments, wondering why and who would. But now that I'm writing a story, I see how awesome it is to have that little message that says that there is a new comment.

So... comments?