The Treasurer

The First day

“Ms. Worth? Hello?” My English Teacher called interrupting my thoughts.
“Oh uh I’m here.” I replied even though class started a half hour ago.
“Well, that’s nice to know but Ms. Worth if you remember we take roll call in the beginning of class.” Her wrinkled face smiled, “Now would you care to join us on our discussion of Romeo and Juliet.”
“Yeah, sure um well Juliet I think she shouldn’t have been blinded by Romeo’s sweet talk and should have waited for more options to come.” Aren’t I so romantic?
“What! Don’t you believe in love at first sight?” Of course Clarisse would say something like that.
“I believe that there are more fish out in the sea.” I crossed my arms waiting to be challenged.
“Well, I think that Romeo guy makes all us real men look bad.” Piped in the Junior Football quarterback Chad.
“Yeah, come on is a guy really going to stand outside of a girl’s bedroom window….” Stan begun but was cut off.
“Only if she’s changing.” Said, Chad’s best friend Ryan, who was rewarded with a couple of high fives and laughs. Guys.
“Mr. Hoff please keep those remarks to yourself if you don’t want to end up in the principal’s office, now Please continue Mr. Riley.”
“As I was saying, is a guy really going to stand outside of a girl’s bedroom window to recite her poetry?” Stan finished.
“Maybe he would if he truly loved the girl.” Again the romance crap line came from Clarisse.
Before anyone could comment on Clarisse’s lovesick ways the school bell rang; ending my first day as a junior. Jaylie Worth the junior at Hilltop High School had a nice ring to it. As I was stuffing my oversized folder in my way to small backpack Stan walked over to my seat.
“Hey Jaylie, a couple of our friends are going over to Pete’s Burger to go eat. So, I was wondering if you want to come.” Stan asked with a dimpled smile that was hard to resist.
“Only if you recite poetry outside my window.” I replied teasingly.
“Sure, but only if you’re changing.” He teased back.
Stan was cute nothing wrong with him. He had golden brown hair; opposite of my auburn hair. His brown eyes danced with mischief looking into my hazel eyes. Tall with a good body from lacrosse, but still it felt weird to like someone like Stan. We’ve been best friends since first grade; Chad was picking on Stan so I threw sand in Chad’s eyes, yeah Chad’s held a grudge against me ever since.
Besides, it’s like an unwritten rule that you can’t date a guy that you made mud pies with. Although everyone has been anticipating when we’d go out. Actually I think there are a couple of bets when it’ll happen. I guess some people are going to lose since we won’t but it doesn’t hurt to go out to eat.
“Yeah, I definitely could go from some chili-cheese fries.” We walked side by side to the parking lot of our small high school. The weather wasn’t as bad as it could get here in Dakota. Dressed in my thermal long sleeve and scarf with jeans and boots I felt pretty warm.
When we got to his Chevy trailblazer he opened the door for me, such a gentleman. Of course this wasn’t a date or anything so it was just a nice gesture.
“Wow, you got a new car stereo?” I asked looking at the new high up technology in his car that must have cost a lot of cash.
“Yeah, early present from the parents.” He said with a shrug.
“Spoiled Stan.” Using an old nickname I used when I had found out his parents were the owners of 10 different shoe factories around the world.
“Whatever Jay Jay.” He rolled his eyes with a smile knowing I hated that nickname.
“Drive Jeves.”

“Princess, are you sure this is the treasurer?” How could she be? She was a mortal teenager!
“Valiant Knight, do you question our princess’s judgment?”
“No lord Stephen I was only concerned whether this was truly our treasurer.” How dare Stephen try to make me seem foolish in front of our princess.
“Keith, Stephen I assure you both she is our treasurer.” Princess Mia Lee said with her voice of reason.
“She is not even one of us, my princess.” I said.
“Have you forgotten the Legend of Trevor?” Princess Mia Lee asked.
“No, Princess he was the one who slayed the Moon Shadow’s King; he led us to the peaceful age until his death.” Knowledge I had gained from my knight training.
“Very good Knight,” Our princess smiled briefly, “Did you know he was only half of what we are?”
“No I didn’t my princess.” I kneeled in my embarrassment.
“His father was one of us.” Stephen replied with a smug grin.
“Yes, but as you can see it was Trevor who was our treasurer and yet he was only half of what we are.” Princess Mia Lee turned to look out of the Castle window. “It has been too long since we have had a worthy treasurer to come to deliver us from the Moon Shadows and I do fear that they have gained another King to replace the King that was lost because of Trevor. They are gaining more strength feeding off the taste of revenge.”
“My Princess we have warriors who have pledged their life to your Kingdom we are ready for battle when you say it is time.” I bowed giving her my respect.
“Thank you knight but it is our treasurer that will deliver us once again from the Moon Shadows just as it is written from the elders.”
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~~~~~See confusing right? Just keep reading it'll soon make sense~~~~