‹ Prequel: Sunlight (book 2)
Sequel: Skylight (book 4)

Starlight (book 3)

Painful and Happy Memories

The face that Moon made the second she sank her teeth into Nadir’s old human flesh. It was like I wasn’t looking at Moon but the monster that was in her. The monster in every one of us vampires. The blood craving, thirsty non stoppable vampire that didn’t give a damn about human life. I could see her praising, almost worshipping expression as she slowly drank his blood. There seemed to be no intention on her face to stop. That broke my heart. My last shred of hope that Moon was under control vanished the second she bit him.

But something happened, some memory or something made the real Moon come back. She (even though I could clearly see every bone and muscle, even her long dried useless veins were screaming at her not to), in such a fast motion, pushed herself away from him. It was such a powerful force to do that that she flew a few yards away from him, and remained on the ground as she licked her lips dry of his blood. I was so indescribably happy that I felt as if I could have kissed her. I owed her for fighting her body and her brain with nothing but love, and winning.

Then, there was the much more physically painful memory…

I thought that my husband had woken up in the night to give me a beating or something when Xerxes attacked me a year and a half ago. Next thing I new, my hand and my side was shattered. It was as if huge nails had been shoved into my hand while I was hit with a steel hammer on my side. The next thing I heard was laughter. A cruel, evil laugh that did not belong to my ‘husband’. Something else was attacking me, something I did not know or understand.

Was this the way it would end? Evil laughs and pain as I waited so eagerly for death? Was that my final end? I wept harder than I ever had when Xerxes kicked me again. Then I screamed even though I knew screaming was pointless. Yes… it would end this way… then, I glanced up and caught a different face. One standing in the moonlight so it glowed unlike the face attacking me, the one that was as dark as the shadows. This face belonged to a girl, a girl that could only be sixteen or seventeen. Her short layered black hair was like a mirror for her black eyes. But those black eyes didn’t scare me, they gave me hope. Then the monster stomped on my hand again while many more cracks were heard. That hope vanished when the pain swarmed in as I screamed once more. That girl could not fight such a monster.

But then, she was gone and was replaced by a fast barely visible blur. The monster that was attacking me was thrown off of me as the blur hit his side. Many crashes were heard, everything after that happened so fast that I couldn’t keep up. Not only that, but then a worse pain came. Something sharp in my arm, and then a burning for what seemed like an eternity. When I awoke, I new one thing and one thing only.

The girl, Moon, had saved me.

I couldn’t leave Kyra or Eamon. And leaving Moon for an uncertain (possibly even deadly) path was out of the question.

“Nadir,” I whispered after the long moments silence, “I have to go.” Nadir simply smiled.

“Then I’m coming too.” He said, kissing my forehead. We both stood up, the same thing on our minds. How were we going to break our news to Rutley, Rezse Dakarai and Jacinda?
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Sorry this one was so short.