‹ Prequel: Sunlight (book 2)
Sequel: Skylight (book 4)

Starlight (book 3)

Silver Butterfly

Eamon and I searched throughout the mall at nonstop speed. No humans noticed, they just thought a breeze was in the mall whenever we ran by. After we ran throughout all sections and corners of the mall I decided to look at that jewelry store one last time. Sure enough, she was there.

“Where the heck have you been? Eamon and I thought you ditched us!” I growled as I walked up to her. She quickly put a necklace under her shirt and turned to me. I looked at the silver chain that could easily be hidden by her white collar of her shirt. That might’ve been why I never noticed it before. That or Kyra just bought herself a necklace that cost zero dollars. That was not likely.

“What is that?” I asked, eyeing the chain. Kyra quickly hid it behind her collar once more and shrugged.

“It’s nothing. Anyway, let’s go. I’m done here.” She said, walking out of the store. I looked at the man at the counter. He was staring at Kyra with such an admiration and almost worship. No doubt he was attracted to her. I looked at Kyra. Her hair (now past her waist) moved in such a flow as she walked out in a fashion that if any super model were in here they’d become so overwhelmed with jealousy they might’ve even cried. I smiled at the thought, but then was hit by realization. Obviously, this human was highly attracted to Kyra. He must’ve said something in his head about her. Usually, she’d get hurt, upset… this time it didn’t seem to bother her. That, or because she was in a mall she was able to keep it cool.

I followed Kyra out as we now looked for Eamon. GOD why did we have to enter this mall? I hate shopping. Hate with such a burning passion!

It didn’t take long to find Eamon thankfully. We ran out of the mall as fast as we could, and it wasn’t fast enough. I wanted to be gone in the second of a second’s second! We continued to follow the trail as I told Kyra about the vampire. When I mentioned him, she froze and grabbed my shoulders forcing me to stop.

“What did he look like!?” She asked panicking. I stared at her in confusion.

“Um, blond with the usual black eyes!” I said quickly. Her eyes widened.

“Light blond? Like, really really light blond!?” She asked, I could tell she was resisting shaking me. I stared at her in confusion.

“N-no! More like, dirty blond! Why!?”

“What did he smell like!?”

“The usual!” Kyra relaxed. Suddenly, something shiny and glowing caught my eye. It slipped out of Kyra’s shirt hanging from a chain dangling from her neck. It was a little silver butterfly with sapphire’s on the top wings. It was beautiful.

“Hey, Kyra where’d you get that?” I asked. I had never seen a necklace like that before. She quickly shoved the silver butterfly under her collar and in her shirt again, hidden. I didn’t understand, why would she wanted to hide a necklace?

“Kyra-!” I said, grabbed the chain at the back of her neck pulling the necklace out. I stared at it’s beauty. The whole butterfly shape was made of pure silver, and those sapphire’s were definitely real.

“Where’d you get this?” I asked for the second time. She sighed, staring at the butterfly as well. But she didn’t answer. Instead she snatched the necklace away, put it under her shirt again and beckoned us to come with her. I could smell that horrid scent again… so it was back to the trail.
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Gggrrrrrrrrrr... once again another short chapter. Owells... :(