‹ Prequel: Sunlight (book 2)
Sequel: Skylight (book 4)

Starlight (book 3)

Impossible Tear

I dodged the vampire in a split second, giving me a chance to attack it. It would have been a perfect attack, too! Quick, open, and the vampire had his back to me so he’d have to move fast. Of course, I caught my arm. It was so strange, so terrifying to see my arm there, dead and still. (I can’t include cold, for I’ve always been cold…). I felt sick, once again thankful that vampire’s did not vomit.

Something hit me from the front. The same vampire that had attacked me earlier. I felt his teeth slam into my flesh. I kneed him in the groin so hard that if I had done it to a human… don’t want to think about the graphics. It had less effect on account of vampires heal quickly. It was one jolt of pain then he was find. But that one second gave me my chance. I gripped his throat and pulled my teeth into him, yanking my head in the other direction ripping off his head entirely. It rolled away from the battle as I dismembered the corpse.

I looked up and snatched my lifeless arm that still made me feel sick just by looking at. I held it against my shoulder, waiting for it to reattach. I felt a tickling sensation as the cells multiplied, connected, and became strong again. Suddenly, I felt my arm. How strange that was… but I couldn’t sit out anymore. I glanced at Kyra for one second, seeing that she had already killed one of the females. Eamon was the one I was worried about. The two he was fighting were still there. Alive, well, and winning!

I lunged for one of their throats. It was such a fast attack, and the vampire was taken off guard that I easily ripped off his head in a flash. He was dead in the next second. I could hear more, much louder metallic screech’s. I twisted around, Eamon was winning now, and Kyra? Wow.

It was like was like an eagle, avoiding a hunter’s bullet with such a flowing motion that the hunter was so amazed giving the eagle an advantage. Her long hair, now past her waist, moved just as smoothly, making her surprisingly more beautiful even in battle. With each step, the vampire she was fighting lost an arm. Now her legs. Her head now was gone. Kyra had won, obviously.

Eamon was finished too, with his strong, powerful blows that no vampire he was fighting could avoid. In a few short seconds, they were both done. That was when I paid more attention to the horrible stinging in my neck from when the other vampire bit me. I gasped and gripped my neck, rubbing it. It was like needles were quickly stabbing me over and over in that one area. I sat on my knees, rubbing my neck –and even slapping it- like crazy. It was the vampire’s venom. Unable to spread and burn, it would stay in the one place on my neck for about half an hour, stinging me. Eamon was by my side, panic and concern in his eyes.

“What’s wrong? Your arm, is it all right?” He asked anxiously. I nodded, moving my right arm and shoulder to show him that it had reattached. He looked at my neck (where a scar would now permanently be of the vampire’s bite mark. Vampire venom is the only thing that leaves a scar on vampires. I never had one so noticeable before… now every vampire I ever meet will clearly see that bite mark and know that I had been in battles. They would wonder how many vampires had tried to kill me, and failed…) and gasped in shock and horror.

“He got your neck!?” He asked, wrapping his arms tightly around me. He’d never held me so tight before. I never felt safer.

“I got away. His v-venom is just a little uncomfortable. Y-you and I both know it won’t last…” I mumbled, continuing to rub my neck. I looked up at Kyra, who was hurting badly.

“Eamon, you were bitten too.” She did not say it like she knew, it sounded as if she had just figured out.

“Just on my arms. It doesn’t hurt that bad.” He said. I glanced down. Yup, he now had two very visible bite marks on his left arm, his right arm had one. I was happy that I didn’t have that many. But why the hell was I getting all the attention? I just got bitten once, and he must be suffering three times as much as me! Kyra let out a sob as she fell to her knees. I darted my head up, taking my eyes away from Eamon’s arms. Eamon looked at her as well, concern in both our eyes.

“What’s wrong? We won! We whooped five vampire’s ourselves! Don’t be sad…” Eamon pleaded. But I knew what was bugging her.

“No… Moon l-lost her a-a-arm and n-nearly got killed! I saw, he almost had h-her h-h-head o-off! You nearly lost t-too! I w-w-would h-have lost b-both of y-you.” Kyra drew in a deep breath, refusing to sob anymore. Her face was serious, “You shouldn’t come with me. You should go back. Please, I don’t want to put your lives in danger anymore…”

My jaw dropped.

“You-!” Eamon started, but I cut him off.

“You can’t be serious!” I exclaimed, getting to my feet out of Eamon’s arms. She looked at me with questioning eyes.

“What if we weren’t here? You would have died! You’re really so obsessed with this vampire, with killing this vampire that you’ll leave us behind and going on this alone on this! If we leave you won’t come back. Kyra, please! Just let him go!” I almost shouted. This had gone too far. How could I have let it get this far? It’s taking over her. I remembered when I lost my parents… it destroyed me. But, did it push me this far? Of course, there was nothing I could do other than weep, and suicide. I tried that. I ran away without any food, water, no jacket nothing, and just wait for death to find me. Kyra was at that point, but I never got this far. For she almost did die, but she came back. She came back the same cheerful, happy Kyra everyone always knew. But this? This would scar her and it out stay there permanently. A scar that bled…

Kyra started to weep at my words. She cradled her face in her hands. The sight was more painful than the venom in my neck, it was more painful than having my arm torn off, it was more painful than when Xerxes tortured me a year and a half ago. Who knew emotional pain caused physical pain as well? Kyra reached to her neck and grabbed the silver chain, pulling out the little silver butterfly.

“He gave this to me… the night he was killed. We had gone to dinner,” She wept, telling her story, “My last meal was lobster. We talked for hours, even after our plates were gone and most of the customers had left. He paid the bill even though I protested. I just wanted to split it, for I knew how much that lobster had cost. He refused, of course. The stubborn fool (she said this with a little smile on her face. It was almost as if the argument was still there, something she would fight even today). We were walking down a sidewalk, his arm around me for it was cold that night.

“Then he reached into his pocket, and stopped me from walking any further. My heart skipped a beat, I thought he was going to propose! I knew he wouldn’t, we both agreed that it was silly to get married at such a young age. But still, I felt that maybe my heart had stopped. But it couldn’t have for it was pounding so loud that I could hear it was clearly as his own voice! His beautiful voice… (Kyra was definitely smiling now, but I knew it would soon disappear). He pulled out a black little jewelry box, the one that usually has a ring in it? I was sure that I had died then, but I realized that he wasn’t on one knee. He opened it, and this little silver butterfly with sapphire’s on the wings was in. it was so beautiful… I happily put it on and swore to myself that I would never take it off.

“Then we walked by an alley way…” Kyra’s voice fell silent as she remembered it.

Then, something happened. Something that humans signified as a bad thing. But a small, almost dry tear pushed its way out of Kyra’s eye. She… she cried… tears! Kyra gasped, and gently touched the tear drop. It was tiny, small and looked like it had been squeezed out of something completely dry.

“I… I can’t cry…” She whispered, staring at it. She looked at me, I had no explainations. To my surprise, she stuck her finger in her mouth tasting the tear. She frowned and looked at her finger.

“It wasn’t venom…” She whispered. (Vampire’s have venom in their eyes, to keep them moist and partially protected. If something went into your eye and you were a vampire it would simply be burned away. You wouldn’t even feel it).

Maybe it was love. I thought. I remember the very words that the leader of the Rouge coven, whatever his name was, had said. ‘You had died from the torture, but what brought you back? I have no idea’. I always told myself, I believed that it was Eamon’s love. Kyra shook her head, not at that thought, but at the fact that vampire’s could actually cry.

“Kyra… please, just let him go.” I mumbled. Like all the other times, I wasn’t thinking about her love. I was talking about the vampire that killed him.

Kyra looked almost as if she would have agreed, but suddenly her head flipped up, taking in large amounts of air. I hadn’t realized that I hadn’t been breathing all that time. I quickly drew in a deep breath, but soon regretted it. For that horrid stench burned my nose. What drew my attention, other than disgust, was that is was strong.

“You don’t think… he couldn’t be that close!” Eamon said, also smelling the air. Kyra jumped up, she had no intention to leave now. I didn’t blame her, not when he was this close.
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This was was a pretty good length!