‹ Prequel: Sunlight (book 2)
Sequel: Skylight (book 4)

Starlight (book 3)


"Kyra!" I gasped, jolting upright. Eamon looked at me, concern in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" He whispered, I hated to ignore him but I had to talk to Kyra. This couldn't be ignored.

"I know." Kyra said, looking down deep in thought.

"We have to turn around. Now." I said in the most serious voice I could scoop up. Eamon was panicking now. He grabbed my wrist and gently turned me around, holding my shoulders and staring me in the eye.

"What is it?" He said. I sighed and pushed his hands away even though it was painful to do.

"I'll explain in a minute. Kyra! (Kyra's eyes flickered in my direction but that was it) What is so complicated about this where you have to think about this!? I did not think that thought, it just came up! My mind is obviously telling me to turn the hell around!" I said, almost to the waving my hands in the air stage of panic. Eamon knew that he needed to stay quiet for now thankfully.

"Well... did you feel any pain?" She muttered. I could clearly see panic in her eyes, but it was a different kind of panic that I was in.

"What difference does it make!?" I almost shouted. I hated being angry at Kyra, but this was serious.

"Well, your warning –unfortunately- is pain. If you didn’t feel anything… I mean, you’ve been nervous about this whole trip, that was your thoughts, I think you were just worrying.” Kyra said. I couldn’t believe my ears.

“W-what!? Kyra, that was not my thought. I was not even thinking about who we are tracking, I was thinking about the grass! Kyra, you can’t ignore this! I feel in my gut that we have to turn around now before someone we know dies!” I shouted until the very end. My voice cracked at the most horrible part of the sentence. Turn around before someone dies. Kyra sighed, but that sigh did not end gently like they usually do. It built up in volume and with such fierceness that it instantly became a shout, and then scream. Kyra’s hands whipped up to her head as she grabbed tightly at the roots of her hair and pulled. I was at her side in a second, pulling her hands away with no difficulty. She suddenly became limp, enveloped in deep depression. I planned stayed by her side until she came to life again, but she just stayed there. She just stared at the grass, off in a different, more positive world. I wanted to say something, to pull her out of this depressed place, but then I saw the smile. The small, innocent, pure joy filled smile was on her face. It was barely noticeable, but that smile meant a lot to me and a lot to her. It meant that in that head of hers there was happiness. There was an escape from this all too miserable world.

Really, anyone could find happiness in their own little world. They just had to look.

“Kyra,” I muttered. I hadn’t noticed that a smile just like hers had appeared on my face as well, “Let’s go.” I said. She turned up to me, her eyes spoke more than her mouth ever could.

We both stood up as I turned to Eamon who remained just as confused as he was before. I walked up to him and grabbed his hand, looking him in the eye. In his highly confused eye.

“Let’s go, home.” I said. His eyes widened a little, but they remained confused.

“Apparently… pain isn’t my only warning.” I muttered, looking down at the grass again. That thought was comforting, but knowing that I would be going back to Jacinda, Dakarai, Rutley, Maeve, Nadir and Rezse was a thousand times more comforting.
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Why is it that every chapter I write is like, a page longer on word than it is here? O well... sorry it took me so long to update, but I have way to many stories! I'll have to get rid of some.