‹ Prequel: Sunlight (book 2)
Sequel: Skylight (book 4)

Starlight (book 3)

Car Crash

I was so excited to be off this horrible journey, even though I was still very very worried about Kyra. She usually didn't act like that... this must be eating away at her. I didn't like that.

At the moment, I told both Kyra and Eamon that I was hunting. I really was, but at the moment I felt like running with joy instead. I zoomed past animals, trees and the woods until the scent of human caught my attention. I must have been approaching some town or something. My eyes were shut closed, so I didn't exactly know where I was. Not exactly. The scent of humans was becoming very, very strong suddenly. I must be at the edge of the to-


I gasped with shock when my eyes jolted open. I was surrounded by darkness, sparks and the scent of metal. I easily shoved myself out of whatever I was in. Turns out, I had ran straight into a parking lot on the very edge of town where a few cars were. I had slammed straight into the front engine of a truck.

The engine was demolished, of course, and the huge chunk of useless metal it now was had broken through the front of the car and into were all the seats were. The front was now nothing but a huge dent going straight into the rest of the car that had been shattered by the engine, glass and other things. I had pulled myself out right before those sparks had caught fire, making the front (even though I had completely shoved the front into the middle) of the car have a few flames growing from them. I assumed that the high pitched ringing coming out of the car was once the alarm, and somehow it was still going off. The car was totaled, bent, broken, shattered and torn. I looked down at me. No scratch, bruise, not a mark on me. My clothes needed to be changed, for after taking a soak in the rain and the mud from that moment that Eamon and I had when in was raining, and now being slammed straight into the front of a car, making it nothing but a lump of fire, melting metal and anything else that car was, it was completely filthy. But other than that, I was just as fine as I was before this accident.

I looked up at the apartment windows which had suddenly sprang to life when I crashed into the truck. Many human heads were sticking out, trying to see what all the noise was. By now the car's fire in the front had calmed down, but it still didn't really resemble much of a car anymore... I quickly ran back, back into the small forest where I had come but listened to all the human shouts.

"What is that!?" A woman had shouted.

"What was all that noise?" A man shouted.

"LOOK! It's a car! I think..." Another man shouted.

"Is that my car?" A woman asked.

"It's on fire!" A man screamed. I could hear him jumping up and down in his apartment.

"Looky! Looky! It's a giant fire ball toy! Can I have it?" A little boy, I guessed was around six, shouted. His mother gasped loudly and started shouting nonsense in return. It was her car. I had heard enough and ran to where I had came. I bumped into Kyra and Eamon sooner than I thought, for they had heard the noise and was running back towards me.

"What was that!?" They both asked. I explained the demolishing of the blue truck. Kyra laughed quietly while Eamon shook his head.

"Very nice... and what were the humans reaction to that?" He asked jokingly. I sighed and shook my head.

"A lot of shouts, and a six year old thought that it was a giant fire ball toy and he wanted to keep it." I laughed at the end of that sentence, as did they.

"Well, we should probably get g-" Kyra started, but she took in a deep breath first. Something in the air had caught her attention. I took in a gulp of air as well as Eamon. There was a strong scent in there, but it was not one I recognized...

"What is that?" I asked. Kyra and Eamon both looked at me suspiciously.

"It's his scent, the one we've been following. The one that you constantly complain about! Don't you recognize it?" Kyra asked, sounding shocked and a little worried. I took in a longer, much more deep breath. Yes, I could smell a scent, but it was not the one that had smelled so bad...

"It doesn't smell bad anymore..." I muttered. OK, this was freaky! Kyra raised her eyebrows and looked at Eamon while I continuously took in more air.

"Strange..." Kyra muttered. Then, realization hit me.

"The scent was so bad, it was almost painful to take in... pain, my warning, the voice, it all makes sense! It smelled awful to me at one time because the trail was dangerous at one time! I ignored it, then there was the voice, don't you get it?" I said, smiling with joy now that I had figured it out. Kyra's eyes suddenly shone with hope.

"And now it doesn't smell bad, so then the trail must be fine! It's not dangerous anymore!" Kyra exclaimed, growing excited. My shoulders dropped, my eyes widened and my happiness vanished. No...

"Kyra, no!" I muttered. She gasped a little puff of air.

"The trail isn't dangerous anymore! Don't you see!? We can track him now!" Kyra exclaimed. I shook my head.

"But why was it dangerous in the first place!?" I asked. Eamon was looking back and forth to each one of us each time one of us spoke.

"I don't know, but the fact is it isn't anymore! We can continue to follow it!" Kyra exclaimed, seeming to be growing annoyed by the fact that I didn't want to follow the trail. That made me mad.

"It doesn't make any sense to follow it now!" I said slowly and seriously. Kyra sighed and shook her head.

"It doesn't make any sense to not follow it..." She muttered. I bit my lip in frustration.

"Kyra, listen to me, I know in my gut that if we follow that trail now, we'll regret it for the rest of our long everlasting lives! Something bad, something horrible will happen if we start down that trail again! Something that involves death!" I exclaimed, trying my hardest to stare her down. Her eyes did not break away from mine.

"If I turn around now, I'll regret it forever." She muttered. Now Eamon decided to speak. He walked closer to me. I looked at him curiously.

"Does the smell stink? (I shook my head) Do you hear voices demanding you to turn around? (I shook my head slower this time) Do you feel pain? (I sighed and looked down) I don't think anything will happen. But the second you get the warning-"

"It'll be too late." I mumbled. He continued on as if I hadn't said anything.

"We'll turn around and go home." He said. I looked from his black eyes to Kyra's black eyes and sighed once more.

"Fine..." I mumbled. Kyra closed her eyes with relief but showed no other emotion. Instead, she turned in the direction that the trail led, beckoning both Eamon and I. Eamon followed, but then turning around to me when I stayed put. This is wrong, this is wrong, this is wrong! I thought. All the same, I took a painful step forward, and another, and another, and another...
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it keeps taking me a while to update... and sorry again if I have any typos or repeated words or whatever, but I didn't have much time to edit.