‹ Prequel: Sunlight (book 2)
Sequel: Skylight (book 4)

Starlight (book 3)

Through the Eyes

(Maeve's POV)-
"Umm... what happened here, exactly?" I asked, staring at the ground in the parking lot. Rutley was standing in front of a large black spot that looked as if it were had been splattered across the concrete. Little pieces of metal and long dried sparks were also over here. The car that had cause this huge mess was gone. Many other cars were gone two. The parking lot was completely emptied except for two pathetic beat up cars. Now that I had this speed, I didn't see the point of those polluting, slow metal things. Rutley sighed.

"Well, if I'm correct, Moon was running and just... slammed straight into a car at full speed completely destroying it. And I mean completely demolishing, shattering, tearing, exploding it. Why she just ran into the car, I have no idea. Maybe she didn't like that brand of car..." Rutley muttered, turning around. Jacinda frowned and looked at the ground as did Nadir.

"Why wasn't Eamon or Kyra with her when she did this?" Dakarai asked, sounding highly annoyed.

"They weren't here. Their scents meet up again a mile or two in the forest." Rutley said. I bit my lip, there was something about Rutley... something that seemed mature. Not the ten year old we always thought of him as. He looked at me with a blank expression before turning his attention back to the others. I was worried. Could he pick up on my thoughts with that one movement? Biting my lip and closing my eyes half way? I knew he was talented with his subtle gift, but still...

"Why weren't they here?" Rezse muttered. Rutley shrugged.

"I don't know! I'm just following their scent!" He said, kicking a small rock on the ground. The little pebble flew out of the parking lot and away from site from the power of that simple little kick. Sometimes I hated this, being so strong and powerful no matter how gentle we try to be... it just made the fact that we were monsters stand out more than it should.

"Well, how old is the scent?" Jacinda asked. I looked at her with curious eyes. She had been quiet for quite a while now, her voice was becoming a stranger's voice to me.

"About a few weeks, so they're long gone by now." Rutley moaned, looking down again. Jacinda sighed, well, we all did. We were always this far behind, never fast enough to catch up. When would we finally make it to them? To help Kyra hunt down the evil vampire that slaughtered the man she loved in front of her? I suddenly felt a surge of fury ripple through me at the thought.

"Well, I guess we should keep going, then..." Jacinda muttered, glancing up at Dakarai before turning around and continuing on. Rezse followed, and Nadir began to. He turned around, curious, when he noticed that I stayed put. He looked questioning at me.

"I'll be there in a minute." I said then leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. He smiled and nodded, dropping my hand and continuing on. I turned to Rutley, who continued to stare blankly at me.

"So, you all know then?" He asked casually. I frowned, not sure what he was talking about.

"We all know what?" I asked him, he frowned.

"So you don't know?' He asked. I waved my hands a little.

"Know WHAT?" I asked. He shook his head.

"That I'm not just an annoying ten year old, permanently having a highly immature mind." He said, looking off into the distance again. I stared at him while all of the pieces of the simple, easy puzzle fell into place. My eyes went wide.

"OH!" I gasped. He smiled in an annoyed way and looked off into te distance again.

"Yes, yes yes. I am a mature adult trapped inside a ten year old vampire's body. (He raised his hands as if he were talking to an audience) That's right, ladies and gentlemen! Gather around for the freak show!" He said. Then his arms dropped back down to his side and his head fell as well. My shoulders slumped as my eyes became depressed. I walked slowly up to him and wrapped my arm around his shoulders pulling him into a hug. He looked up at me. For once, in that second, I saw just how grown up and mature he was.

People always said that the eyes were the gateway into the soul, but the only issue with that was that they were always too mezmorized by the beauty of the eye to really see what lays behind them. This time, I experienced that. I saw the grown man in Rutley. The face that he carried now, the face of a boy, instantly changed into the face of the man he once would have looked like. He had pale blue eyes with curly brown hair. His face was shaped perfectly, so even if he was human he would still have been highly attractive. His face changed to who he really was only for a moment, of course. But now, anytime I looked at Rutley, I would see who he really was.
♠ ♠ ♠
There you are, the secret of Rutley. Just for a minute I showed you who he really was.