‹ Prequel: Sunlight (book 2)
Sequel: Skylight (book 4)

Starlight (book 3)


(Maeve’s POV)-
I was lying on the grass next to Nadir. I couldn’t remember the last time we had shared a moment alone together when he was distracted by his terrible thirst. I remember that thirst… I remember the moment I lost control so clearly. It still haunts my every moment.

Nadir turned his head to face me. I turned to him and smiled. We kissed each other lightly on the lips.

“I told you you could do it…” I mumbled to him. He frowned, a little confused.

“Do what?” He whispered in return. I smiled and him. His curly brown locks of hair were still just as soft as they once were. His eyes, though black, still gave me that warm sensation that they did when I first laid eyes on him. His face still had me falling head over heels. He was still the same despite the fact he was a vampire. That made me giggle with delight silently to myself.

“I knew you could withstand the temptation of human blood.” I was so proud of him. I wasn’t that strong… mostly because, I didn’t have anything to keep me from the temptation. I didn’t know any of my family. The only face that wasn’t a stranger to me was Moon, but I still felt uncomfortable around her at the time. What did I have to give me strength at the time? Nothing. Nothing at all. But Nadir… we both have each other. That meant more than anything I’ve ever known. Nadir laughed, turning his gaze to the stars.

“Well… I have something keeping me sane.” He whispered, as if he had read my thoughts. I smiled and rolled on top of him. After kissing him again, I turned my focus back to my new, unfamiliar talent.

It took me many minutes, but after a while I saw Nadir for who he truly was. I didn’t see his human face, nor his vampire face. Instead, I saw someone different. Someone so beautiful, someone whose face was so magnificently fashioned, that this someone had to be one of the most wonderful people on the face of the Earth. He stared back at me in wonder.

“Your eyes are blue…” He mumbled. I smiled. If I was going to tell anyone about my secret talent, I was going to tell him. When I was done explaining, his eyes widened in amazement. But his expression told me something else… like he always knew.

“I knew you were gifted.” He whispered. I laughed at his response. He frowned a little.

“But… you said that you saw Rutley as an adult… then that means…” His face became solid then, completely still as realization hit him. Then his eyes closed as he moaned. I frowned.

“What?” I asked. He shook his head.

“I feel so guilty…” He muttered, “I always thought of him as an immature child… the ‘annoying one’ of the coven… I was so wrong.” When he finally opened his eyes again, I smiled at him.

“I think, for some strange reason, he wants that. He doesn’t want others to suffer with him. That bit I understand.” I whispered in his ear. His expression didn’t change.

“That doesn’t affect how I feel about this…” He muttered. I shrugged.

“There’s no need to feel guilty. Just promise me this though, you won’t tell anyone. He doesn’t want us to tell the others (Kyra obviously already knows, though). After a while, I’ll bet he’ll tell them. But for now you have to keep it a secret.” I said. Nadir nodded and looked back to me. His eyes were bright suddenly.

“You are so beautiful…” He muttered. If I could have, I would have blushed. I brought my lips down to his again, this time not pulling away. We remained here, under the stars, sharing this moment together.

(Moon’s POV)-
I didn’t see this coming… it was so strange, so different. I began to shake, to feel light headed. There was another feeling… like… you could feel, but everything you touched didn’t feel right. The feeling was wrong, but you know it was suppose to be right. Then you get frustrated. Every time you touched something it sent a wave of extreme discomfort through you. Every breath you take, every step you walk, everything felt wrong! All the while you’re extremely light headed, your vision blurs, and you shake uncontrollably. It was awful…

“Moon!” Kyra called the second she felt that feeling in my mind. Eamon was by my side, panicking.

“What is it, Moon?” Eamon asked frantically. I shook my head, finding it hard to speak.

“Some… someone…” I muttered. Within this horrible feeling, I heard something. Some shriek, following by begging. I was locked inside my mind, suddenly unable to see or hear anything around me but this moment…

“Please… please don’t hurt me!” A young girl pleaded. She was curled up in a ball, hugging herself tightly as she hid pathetically in the corner of a dark room. Her pleads were followed by a laugh. But whoever was circling in on her didn’t say anything. The girl began to sob uncontrollably as she shook violently.

“Please!” She shrieked, opening her eyes to look at whoever was approaching her. Whoever had locked her in a corner, trapped, and reduced to begging. Another laugh, followed by nothing but the sounds of sobs.

“Please… please…” The girl mumbled, hiding her face in her knees as her attacker pounced. She screamed so loudly that you’d think the whole world would hear. She thrashed and hit her attacker, but he had so much strength that it was pointless. After a minute or so, the screams stopped and the girl permanently fell silent. Her body was left in the room, cold… stiff… you could still see the terror in her lifeless face. The attacker walked out of the room and stared at nothing with his black eyes. The young girl’s blood was still on his lips.
♠ ♠ ♠
I liked this chapter, mainly because it started out as a romanced and then back to action or whatever. Lol. Well, I hope you enjoy reading it! But please, tell me what you think! :D