‹ Prequel: Sunlight (book 2)
Sequel: Skylight (book 4)

Starlight (book 3)


(Moon’s POV)-
When my senses finally came back around, I gasped in shock and horror. That girl… I knew her! It was Jessica, that little red head, blue eyed girl! She was in danger, my instincts were definitely telling me that. But… from who?

This time Kyra gasped. She nodded towards someone running through the crowds. The people didn’t even notice this person. She had long blond hair and black eyes (like we all did). She wore a tight tank-top that was above her stomach with black tights with a mini skirt over her tights to emphasize the perfect shape of her legs and beauty. She also wore black heels. Strangely, that wasn’t the vampire I saw in my vision… but even the white’s of her eyes had turned black, so I had no doubt she was on a hunt. Also, Jessica must be close by.

Just when I was about to attack her, she gave me proof that she wasn't the vampire I saw. Instead of continuing to run down the road, the female vampire snatched a random human out of a crowd and pulled him into an alleyway with her hand over his mouth. He thrashed and struggled, but it had happened to quickly (in about three seconds, maybe less) and suddenly that no human even noticed. How could they when they didn’t even see the vampire in the first place? In the next second, I smelled the fresh scent of human blood. I turned to Kyra and Eamon in shock. I hadn’t even realized that I was shaking. I hated seeing things like that… but why were there so many vampires in the city? And hunting at the same time!? It just didn’t make sense!

“Kyra,” I whispered to her, nodding towards the direction that Jessica and her mother had gone. Kyra nodded, Eamon looked confused just like he always did whenever something like this happened (for he was at a disadvantage of not being able to read people’s minds) but he followed us as we ran back towards Jessica anyway, obviously.

It wasn’t long until we caught up with her. She was at her home, an apartment building with her mother. No one else was there. We were sitting on the roof at the moment, waiting. Protecting… Eamon was staring at me. If I wasn’t so worried, I would have laughed at the look of confusion he was giving me.

“I saw a… vision, I guess you could say, of this girl getting attacked and killed by one of our kind.” I whispered. The memory shook me. It was horrible… so awful to watch... Eamon nodded, but said nothing in response. That made me a little uncomfortable. I heard Kyra growl.

“Because we should! Because it’s the right thing to do!” Kyra snapped at Eamon. I looked at him with worried eyes.

“What did you think?” I asked. He shook his head, even though he knew that Kyra would tell me anyway.

“He was wondering why we are wasting our time with this girl!” Kyra hissed. My eyes widened, but I never looked away from Eamon. I was waiting for him to explain.

“Well, we didn’t bother saving that guy, what makes this girl so special? Why is her life more valuable?” He asked innocently. He had a point…

“Because by the time we had reacted, it was already too late!” I snapped, sure he had a point but I was still insulted. He sighed, as did Kyra. Suddenly, I heard a scream from inside the apartment building. I looked at them both before jumping down to the main entrance with them following me. How could we have missed him!?

I ran up the stairs -faster than any elevator would have taken us- to the floor where I knew the girl was. I didn’t get it. Why this girl? Why this apartment building? Why this room?

I kicked open the door with Eamon and Kyra running past me. They were in the kitchen in the next second, looking for the girl. She wasn’t in there, and neither was her mother. The apartment seemed empty. Could we have made a mistake? I was sure that I smelled a vampire in here.

“Please… please don’t hurt me!” I heard her whimper, and then I heard the familiar laugh. I kicked another door open before he could attack. The girl screamed in fear as I experienced a sudden déjà veu.

I ran through the door like there had never been a door there to begin with, climbing the stairs into the room where I knew the screams were. There I saw the woman, her bright red hair matted and frizzy while her face was white with fear. For in front of her was the vampire torturing her.

Déjà veu back to when I saved Maeve, only this time the vampire wasn’t torturing this girl, and he reacted much faster.

The vampire pounced in front of the girl like a lion defending its meal from another. I pounced at him, moving faster than I ever had before. Slamming my nails into both his arms I twisted him around so that now I was in front of the girl, but I wasn’t going to allow him to stay in the room. While I swung him around, I didn’t let go. I slammed him into the brick wall, shattering it without effort. We both fell to the ground, and I discovered that he was much trained in fighting. He was strong and fast… he caught my right arm and yanked hard. If it was a human vs. human, my arm would’ve been dislocated. All I felt was the rip of marble hard flesh. I managed to yank away from him before he took my arm off entirely. By then Eamon had arrived.

Once I was away from the vampire and then looked up, all I saw was his body fall to pieces. Eamon had ‘snuck up’ –I guess- behind him and had him defeated in a minute. Fortunately, when I had blasted him out of the apartment building (five stories high) we landed in an alley way. No human had seen or heard, for the fight was dead silent.

I was rubbing my shoulder as it began to immediately itch like crazy while I healed. Eamon looked up at me, concern deep in his eyes.

“Are you all right?” He asked, by my side helping support my shoulder in the next second. I shook my head in a slight annoyance, he should know that it was healed by now. I answered him by moving my shoulder in round motions without any difficulty.

“The girl?” I asked frantically. Eamon smiled.

“Her mom is home. She’s found the hole in the wall –very nice by the way- and her daughter didn’t see anything. She had her head buried the entire time. They'll never know we were there.” He said. I sighed with relief.

“Kyra?” I asked. He suddenly tensed while I panicked.

“She… found something…” He murmured. I gasped.

His scent?” I whispered. Eamon nodded.

It was suddenly very hard to breathe.
♠ ♠ ♠
OK, I figured I should inform all those reading this that on account of it's spring break, we're going on our ski trip (we go on a ski trip every spring break, I'M SO EXCITED)!! So I don't know when I'll be able to update again, sorry... well, I hoped you liked this chapter and i hope I can update again soon.
