‹ Prequel: Sunlight (book 2)
Sequel: Skylight (book 4)

Starlight (book 3)


I jumped to my feet instantly. I had lost control of all my thoughts in a few seconds, but that was enough time. I pictured Kyra, running, pouncing on the murderer who killed the man she held so close to. The murderer twists around, and they both get into a horrible fight God knows where. A fight that Kyra had already lost due to the broken heart she carries around with her day in and day out. I came so close to falling to my knees because of a horrible nausea.

“Take me to wherever she ran off to!” I demanded, my voice was barely more than a whisper. All my past worries, why so many vampires were hunting at the same time (my guess was that a coven went out hunting) and why they chose that girl, they all vanished. My only worry, the only one that actually mattered, was for my sister Kyra.

“Follow me.” Eamon said, taking off in the next second. The city zoomed by us as more, much more terrifying images flashed before my eyes. I was waiting, waiting for the headache, the cloud, the smell anything. Any warning that my sixth sense could get.

C’MON! YOU HAVE TO GIVE ME SOMETHING! I screamed in my mind. Eamon looked worriedly at me. I assumed he was worried about Kyra, but there was something about the look that told me that there was something else to it.

“Where are they?” I asked anxiously. Eamon nodded down the road we were running.

“Downtown, towards the very edge of the city. His scent was so strong there that Kyra is sure that he’s there. I got a whiff of the scent myself, he’s definitely there.” He said. I frowned.

“Anyone else?” I asked, my voice broke twice. He shook his head.

“The other scents were old, very stale. Whoever was there left a while ago.” Eamon said. His eyes seemed to unfocused, to drift off into a daydream or at least he was very deep in thought.

“...Eamon?” I whispered. Even in this situation, the most terrifying thing I might experience, the sound of his name brought me comfort. The way it ran on my tongue... it was like rope to pull me out of a horrible fire, or ocean of grief. But once the name was finished I fell back into the flames.

“...? Yeah?” He said, talking as if he was just waking up from a very deep sleep.

“What is-?” I cut myself off.

I easily noticed that we were following Kyra’s floral scent down these roads, but it was covering another. One that was hidden, one that was my warning.

A horrible, aching, painful scent that my nose refused to take it. It was like needles scratching it’s way up my nose and then spiking my brain. The scent never smelled so awful in the past.

I had my warning.

“KYRA NO!!!” I screamed so loud that every human I was running past stopped and looked around, unable to see me. I didn’t care. Kyra was in danger, horrible danger. But I couldn’t run fast enough! My legs, usually so quick, were moving too slow!

I wouldn’t make it...

I was too late...

♠ ♠ ♠
Usually I'd complain about how short I sometimes make chapters, but honestly I expected this chapter to be short. There wasn't much to put in it. So... I'll try to update quickly. And I really mean try. Lol