‹ Prequel: Sunlight (book 2)
Sequel: Skylight (book 4)

Starlight (book 3)


Kyra shook her head at me, but once again the vampire grabbed her chin and forced her to look at him.

Kyra, I can’t live without both of you, you know that. I thought. But then, was I being selfish? Kyra told me so many times that I was all she had, really. And now I wanted to die. That would leave Kyra in her prison that is her body, unable to commit suicide. One of us will have to go on alone, forever.

Me, Kyra. Choose me. She knew what I meant. Not that she’d choose me to die, but that she’d choose me to live. To live forever, alone, with a broken heart.

Suddenly, to my surprise, Kyra… smiled!

I frowned and stared at her with confused eyes, but instantly I heard it. The sounds of a vampire fight outside the building coming closer. I caught a scent among the fight.

Eamon’s scent.

I gasped as all emotions filled me again. Happiness, excitement, joy, misbelieve, caring, hope, all positive (and negative) feelings. But most of all, love. World suddenly had a meaning, a soul, a heart. My being had a reason, had feeling. It was now I realized just how big a part Eamon was of me. I knew he was a huge part, but one that large? My fear of losing him doubled- no, tripled. But the feeling of getting him back, that sheer joy, no emotion could compare to that. It's un-namable, it's indescribable, it's true love.

In the next second, so many vampires filled the room. They all had faces that I recognized.







Jacinda and Dakarai both attacked the two vampires holding me, Rutley and Rezse attacked the others who were just an audience of our suffering. Nadir and Maeve were still fighting the other three that had attacked Eamon earlier.

And Eamon.

The second I spotted him I jumped to him. I ignored the raving battle around me, grabbed his shoulders and brought my lips to him. He wrapped his arms around me, holding me tight in this once awful moment now filled with hope. He was alive, the world had a point again. Everything mattered.

But the tragedy wasn’t over yet.

“Maeve!” I shouted, Maeve turned to look at me. I had never been happier to see her face, everyone’s face!

“We’re even!” I shouted, she smiled and laughed. But that smile vanished and was replaced with a face of fear.

“MOON WATCH OUT!” She screamed. I twisted around –still clutching Eamon tightly- and saw a vampire pounce. It moved too quickly for Eamon to throw himself in front of me, too quickly for me to respond. But slow enough for Maeve to jump in front of me, and take the blow herself.

It happened so quickly… but in the next second, Maeve was gone.


“NNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!” I screamed, attacking the vampire who killed her. Why!? Why Maeve!? Why her!? This wasn’t right, this was supposed to be a happy ending! Everything was supposed to be all right, they saved us, but did that mean that one member of my family had to die! This wasn’t right, it wasn’t right!

I tore off the vampire’s legs with my teeth, along with its head while I shredded its arms. When it was dead, grief really gripped me. I fell to my knees, sobbing. Eamon’s comforting arms wrapped around me, but even that couldn’t save me from this grief. How could that once happy, O so unbelievably HAPPY moment turn to this?


That’s all I could ask, why?

I glanced up, and saw Nadir. I assumed I looked the same when I thought that Eamon was dead. My face right now still remained the face of someone who was sobbing. I couldn’t explain Nadir’s face. It was impossible. Another vampire attacked Eamon and I, and he died within the next second (Eamon killed him). We were winning the battle, but no matter what happened, I would still lose. We all would, for we didn’t achieve this victory without the worst price.

The next tragedy happened very quickly. Nadir, coming out of shock and horror (but still a broken heart weighed down on him) instantly attacked the strongest vampire still alive, and he let him win.

Nadir was now gone.

This couldn’t be happening, this must be a dream! A nightmare! A hallucination! But then I remembered, vampire’s don’t dream. We never get a chance to wake up from the nightmare.

I looked around me, and noticed that Kyra and the vampire who caused all of this were gone. The wall of the building had been smashed out, and I could easily guess what happened. The second Kyra saw that I was safe, that we were all safe –or so we thought- she grabbed the vampire and pulled him outside. Where the final battle between her and him would take place.

I wish I could say I knew she would win, but after seeing two people I loved so dearly get murdered in front of my eyes, I had lost all confidence.
♠ ♠ ♠
I didn't like writing that chapter; I really liked Maeve and Nadir.
When I knew that Maeve was going to die in this one that was when I decided to write a fourth one. I couldn't end this series with the death of two main characters. Of course this book isn't over, but we're coming close to the end. Also, I knew that I couldn't kill off Maeve and leave Nadir alive. I'm assuming you understand why.
Also, Kaitlyn is writing the next chapter. I don't know when she'll be able to write it, so I don't know when the next chapter will be up. Sorry, though, that I killed off Maeve and Nadir. Like I said, I didn't like doing it. But I want comments on this chapter more than on any others. I REALLY want to know how you feel about this. So, I'm really begging here, comments PLEASE!
But just in case you wanted to know, I'm not completely getting rid of Maeve, or Nadir for that matter. You'll see what I mean in the next book.