‹ Prequel: Sunlight (book 2)
Sequel: Skylight (book 4)

Starlight (book 3)

Two Annoyances

(Maeve’s POV)-
“Why did they leave?” Nadir asked. I could tell that he was trying his hardest to ignore his craving thirst. I turned to him and shook my head.

“I told you that it’s not my story to tell.” I said. He closed his eyes and sighed with frustration.

“She’s gone! Please, tell me the story! I can control my thoughts, can’t I? I’ve already proven to you that I can. Plus, we don’t know if they’re coming back or n-”

They’re coming back!” I half shouted, half snarled. Of course their coming back… but I still refused to tell Nadir Kyra’s heartbreaking story. Nadir had nothing to say. That didn’t mean he didn’t have a response. His jaw tightened in anger as he looked around rattling his brain to come up with something clever to say. He didn’t come up with much.

“I’m sorry. I know they’re coming back, but not for a while at least. Why can’t I know? What will happen if I know?” He asked. I still didn’t understand why he was so desperate to hear her story.

“Why does it matter to you so much?” I whispered, staring at my love’s face. A face that appeared to be just as equally confused as me.

“I don’t know…” He whispered as quietly as the air. I sighed. Maybe he was right, what would happen if I told him? If I was right, if Kyra had for some strange reason decided to run after that vampire that at one time completely ruined her, then maybe she wouldn’t mind a little pity in someone’s mind… of course, I didn’t know her well enough. Only Moon did. So, I couldn’t tell him.

“I can’t.” Was all I said. Nadir sighed, and looked at me with curious eyes.

“Why do you know? Why did Moon tell you this apparently top secret story?” He asked kindly. I shrugged.

“I thought your thought. Why is she, the friendly, joyful and beautiful one of the family the only single one? Except for Rutley, the ten year old and Rezse the lonely keep-to-himself vampire. She reacted just like she did to you. She became hostile, angry, heartbroken. She became someone I didn’t know. So, I asked Moon why. Moon always has the answers to Kyra, just as Kyra has the answers to Moon. Moon didn’t tell me, Kyra saw her she gave her permission to tell me, basically. Moon wondered why Kyra let me, but she told me because I kept bugging her just like you’ve been bugging me. I’ve never been very good at controlling my thoughts, but I was able to think about anything but Kyra’s story whenever she was around.” I said. Nadir nodded, looking out into space seemingly unaware of anything around him. Everything but me, for he soon turned his attention back to me like he knew I was always there.

“And you can’t ask her like Moon did?” He said. I bit my lip mostly out of anger.

“Moon didn’t ask! It was an accident really.” I said. Nadir nodded once again. I was growing a little annoyed.

“Why, does, this, matter?” I demanded. His old answer, the ‘I don’t know’, just wasn’t good enough for me. I didn’t believe it. Nadir simply shrugged. That wasn’t a good enough answer for me either.

“O, c’mon. You should know! Just tell me!” I said. Why was he hiding this from me? He looked at me, his expression was completely unreadable.

“I just want to know how someone so happy, so cheerful could get so harsh and awful with one innocent thought.” He said. I decided to take that. But still…

“Why didn’t you just say that earlier? Why was that such a difficult answer to give me?” I whispered. He looked to the ground and shrugged again.

“I still can’t tell you. And I’m not planning on telling you later, so please, please stop asking me.” I begged. Nadir looked up at me, gave me a quick kiss, and nodded. For now, he finally, finally stopped bugging me about her story, and was suddenly eager to hunt. I sighed at my love, my newborn vampire and took him to hunt smaller animals.
