‹ Prequel: Sunlight (book 2)
Sequel: Skylight (book 4)

Starlight (book 3)

Attempt to Track

We stopped going in circles after a while, but even I noticed that we began to head southeast. South south east. Now just strictly south, heading straight into Mexico. I could understand why a vampire would go there. Vampire’s are usually always in motion, only making stops for the hunt. You’d find them all over the world. What a sad life… what else was there? Just death. Death, killing, murders, and blood. That was the usual life of a vampire. The thought of living like that terrified me.

“I don’t smell it anymore, Kyra.” Eamon said. It was on both of our minds; he was the only one brave enough to say it. I bit my lip once Kyra stopped, not bothering to turn around. I took in a large gulp of air. I barely smelled the scent anymore. It was basically completely gone. And we were… I have no idea.

“I can still smell it… we haven’t lost the trail…” She said through clenched teeth. I couldn’t help but to roll my eyes.

“Kyra, let’s just face it. We need a tracker! At least to help us get back on his trail! There must be some town somewhere… we’ll be sure to find a vampire.” I said. Finding a vampire was not the problem. It was finding a tracker which was going to be a pain.

“Exactly, exactly Moon! Right there! We need to continue following the trail while it’s still here and not waste our time searching for a needle in a haystack!” Kyra said, darting around. I looked back at her with hurting eyes. She was becoming obsessed… once again, like always, she acted as if that thought had never trailed across her mind.

“Let’s just go back to wherever we were sure the scent was and be a little more careful about where we go, OK?” She asked, irritated. She walked past us, bumping Eamon’s shoulder. Eamon was going to step forward to tell her off, but I put a hand up to stop him. He would only make it worse…

“Don’t… let’s just, give her a little bit.” I whispered. He nodded, and smiled. He wrapped his arms around me and held me close. I wanted to push away, sort of, for I was worried about Kyra. She had taken off, and we were just standing here. I met his eyes, they were so loving and sweet I couldn’t pull away. I wanted to stay in his arms forever…

“Does she even her herself? Does she see what’s going on with her?” He whispered. I closed my eyes as we rocked back and forth. I looked up with no intention to answer him. Our lips touched but only for a second, for we needed to chase after our hurting, obsessed friend.

We went back to the over populated city, back to the bar. The stench was certainly there. I noticed a guy with a cast on his wrist who ran out of the bar the second we entered. I smiled as a laugh escaped me (Eamon and Kyra laughed a little as well). We went the same way and very carefully followed the scent. We didn’t do it in a rush this time. Kyra was very cautious on where to turn, to run, and to follow. The horrid scent never left my nostrils… it wasn’t fun.

“It’s getting stronger!” Kyra said excitedly. My head darted up, taking in the air at a much more rapid pace. Yes, she was right. The scent was like… a human breathing in nothing but Axe. The horrible stuff… this was just as bad, no, it was twenty times worse. Why did it smell so horrible to me and not to anyone else?

“Eamon?” I whispered, grabbing his wrist to make him stop. He turned around, concern in his eyes for their was worry in my voice, “what does this scent smell like to you?”

He wrinkled his nose.

“It’s not the best thing I’ve ever smelled in my life.” He said. I closed my eyes and sighed with relief. I still didn’t understand why Kyra thought it smelled normal. I guess it was similar to human taste. Some humans absolutely adore cottage cheese while others come up with rumors that it’s nothing but rotten milk. Some humans worship pizza while others wrinkle their noses in disgust at the thought of it. Maybe it was something like that. Maybe…
♠ ♠ ♠
P: COTTAGE CHEESE RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! P:
