

crackhead: *NUDGE*

spaceboy: what a lovely display name. brings to mind sweat and vomit in minivans and really shitty pot

crackhead: you are disgusting, way

spaceboy: who's the greasy one here, mccrackhead

crackhead: o har har, ain't you the comedian

spaceboy: oh, be that way. i'll get frankie and you can fuck quinn or something

crackhead: you're so precious, you take things to heart way too much

spaceboy: oh, now he wants to...

crackhead: i never said i never wanted to in the first place

spaceboy: there you go, with the implications again

crackhead: what was that, professor?

spaceboy: *sigh* you got me taking your abuse again. i'm getting the fuck out of here

crackhead: fine, fuck off

spaceboy: *finger* go to hell.

crackhead: fine, i'll meet you there, way

spaceboy: go fuck satan

crackhead: gladly.
crackhead: he'll have a bigger dick that you

spaceboy: that's all right. my dick is bigger than yours anyway

crackhead: HAH. put your glasses back on

spaceboy: go get measuring tape

crackhead: get your head out of your ass first

spaceboy: go pull your dick out of it

crackhead: as if that's physically impossible, yeah

spaceboy: i hope the devil tears you in half

crackhead: ain't you romantic, eh?

spaceboy: ain't you the fucking user?

crackhead: oh, am i using you now? that's news to me

spaceboy: http://i28.tinypic.com/52cdgg.jpg

crackhead: oh, ouch

spaceboy: http://i27.tinypic.com/71jvqb.jpg liar, liar pants on fire

crackhead: i miss those days, so don't fucking start

spaceboy: http://i26.tinypic.com/ac35mg.jpg hanging from a fucking lovesick telephone wire

crackhead: fuck you, gerard. just... fuck you

spaceboy: fuck you, for fucking me up

crackhead: fuck you, making me feel loved
crackhead: then fucking breaking my heart

spaceboy: how the fuck did i break your heart
spaceboy: fucker

crackhead: what, so you think not talking to me for three fucking years isn't going to break my heart?
crackhead: you think fucking dumping me without an excuse is gunna make me feel great?

spaceboy: YOU FUCKTARD
spaceboy: you fucking pushed me away!
spaceboy: i get clean and sober and happy and you think i'm not good enough for you anymore!

crackhead: do you not fucking listen? i said i wasn't good enough for you! and when you didn't speak to me, i guess you agreed.

spaceboy: i just wanted to get better. you didn't want me to, or you'd fucking lose your stoner buddy

crackhead: oh fuck off
crackhead: you know fucking nothing

spaceboy: because you never fucking told me anything. i said i was quitting pot and you told me to fuck off and never speak to you again. two weeks later you were on a megaphone telling people to abandon our show.

crackhead: read between the lines

spaceboy: yeah, i already know you hate me

crackhead: mmm, try in fucking love

spaceboy: you always destroy the ones you love?
spaceboy: you fucking killed me, bert
spaceboy: where do you think the black parade came from?

crackhead: i didn't meant to
crackhead: i didn't want to hurt you

spaceboy: you think telling me to never speak to you again, after all we went through, wouldn't hurt?

crackhead: i was trying to stop you from hurting!

spaceboy: how would that have stopped me?
spaceboy: i thought you were going to be happy because i was happy

crackhead: i've never been fully happy since i told you that

spaceboy: i guess you never realized how much i fucking missed you

crackhead: HEH

spaceboy: what's that supposed to fucking mean?

crackhead: if it's anything to how i fucking felt...

spaceboy: so how did you fucking feel? tell me!

crackhead: when i saw your back, you fucking tore my heart out

spaceboy: gee that's so poetic, bert. go make it into a song like fucking pretty handsome awkward

crackhead: go sing about slitting your wrists, gerard. don't fucking start on my music

spaceboy: let me be the one who calls you baby all the time

crackhead: that was for you, fucker

spaceboy: then why didn't you fucking tell me
spaceboy: i've slaughtered us, i've murdered our love

crackhead: how am i supposed to, eh?

spaceboy: you shouldn't have fucking let me go

crackhead: i needed to, gerard. i can't keep hurting you

spaceboy: i lied, bert. i wasn't happy back then. not without you, fucker

crackhead: i've never been happy before
crackhead: i was always just happy with you

spaceboy: i wanted you, you didn't want me, my mistake for wasting yours and mine

crackhead: again, for fucking you

spaceboy: you wrote me an entire album and never had the guts to give me a fucking call to at least tell me WHY?

crackhead: eh. you make me nervous

spaceboy: how the fuck do i make you nervous?
spaceboy: you're the fucking frontman who wears women's bikini during shows

crackhead: i don't fucking know, you just do!

spaceboy: and it's been years and you still never tell me anything

crackhead: i fucking try and explain and you always make me feel like the bad guy!

spaceboy: fine, i'll zip. let's see what difference it makes

crackhead: i'd rather you didn't

spaceboy: i need you, you don't need me, with me alone, i am not o fucking kay...
spaceboy: tell me what you've always wanted to tell me

crackhead: ...
crackhead: i've always wanted you, and i'll never stop
crackhead: my heart is yours to keep, bastard

spaceboy: yeah
spaceboy: yeah, you finally tell me
spaceboy: and it's too late. it's way too late

crackhead: i was going to congratulate you on getting fucking hitched
crackhead: you never gave me a chance to

spaceboy: you've had plenty of chances, bert

crackhead: ...

spaceboy: i wasn't just going to sit here and wait for you
spaceboy: not anymore

crackhead: ...

spaceboy: sometimes i wonder if you were ever worth it.
spaceboy: i mean, she is

crackhead: fuck you
crackhead: i...
crackhead: i'm not going to sit here and take this
crackhead: i have to go

spaceboy: i'm not stopping you

crackhead: yeah, looks like you fucking aren't
crackhead: congratulations
crackhead: hope you have a fucking happy life

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