Don't You Go Down

Chapter two

As soon as the bell rang, I was out the door.

"Ryan! RYAN!" I ran down the hall, Brendon's voice slowly fading behind me. I had to get out. I burst through the school doors and continued running down the street. I didn't stop for cars, they stopped for me. When I reached the part, I finally slowed to a walk, and wiped my tears before they could roll down my cheek. I sat on a swing, kicking at the little rocks, and drawing in the dirt with my shoes.

My cell phone rang.


"Ryan! Where are you? Why did you-"

"Mom! calm down."

"Come home now."

"Okay.. I'm on my way." I sighed and began the two hour walk home.

I couldn't sleep Not just because it was only six, but my god! He must think I hate him! He'll probably be gone by tomorrow, back to Arizona. Just in case he isn't though...

"Ryan! Wake up! You still have to go to school."

"Ugh. Mom... Please... I don't feel good."

"well,I'm not going to be home today, so you have to go to school."

I sat up. It never works with her. I got out of bed, putting my bare feet on the cold floor. A shiver went through my body. I quickly pulled on my best pair of skinny jeans, my favorite Beatles shirt, some socks, and my converses. I made my way to the bathroom, and put on my eyeliner, fixing my hair in the process. Then I decided to mess it up.

I smiled at myself in the mirror, before I realized what I was doing.

I was trying to look good. For him.

I grabbed my bag and made my way downstairs.


"What, mom?" She looked at me suspiciously. She hasn't trusted me since the day she decided to move here.

"C'mon, I'm driving you to school." I downed a cup of orange juice, and met my mom outside her car.

When she dropped me off, it felt like the first day of school all over again. I pushed through the school doors, and walked up the stairs to the second floor, to meet Spencer.

"Hey Ryan, some guy is lookin' for you."Kristy smiled at me.

"Where's he at?"

She bit her bit her bottom lip and stood on her toes. "Err.. About... one hundred lockers behind you??"

"Shit!" I shoved my way through the crowd to get away.

By the time I made it to my homeroom, about fifteen other people told me "Some guy named Brendon" was looking for me. Ha.. Some guy...

Trying to avoid him my pointless. He came in during third period yesterday, then had my lunch after fourth period, and was also in my fifth period. Sixth? I wouldn't know, I ditched school, remember?

Well, turns out, he also has homeroom with me! Spencer doesn't, so I'm alone in the back. Or should I say WAS alone? Because the stupid teacher just HAD to put Brendon in the back with me. I sank into my chair.

But he looked so nervous! It was always me who was like that, despite the fact that I was a little older then him.

He sat beside me and closed his eyes. I guess he decided to find me, but hadn't planned much further ahead then that. This was probably the most awkward fourteen minutes and thirty-seven seconds of my life. (But who's counting?) I glanced at him, and saw him staring at me. I couldn't help but to blush. He smiled. I got this sort of.. happy, but confused feeling.

When the bell rang, I hesitated to stand up. I missed him. I really did, but.. I don't know.. I just don't want to face him. We can't just pick off where we left off. It's just not that simple. And If my mom found out... I sighed, which is something I've been doing a lot lately, and finally left the classroom for first period.

I spent all of of first and second period, trying to come up with excuses to not see him. The worst and stupidest one, would be to pretend I don't remember him. He knows I do. You can't forget someone like him.

I decided to go to my locker, since i had to grab my math book. When I opened it, a note slipped out
♠ ♠ ♠
i hope this was as good as chapter one..
(And again, much longer on paper)

Comment pretty please?