Don't You Go Down

Chapter Four

I became curious. The rest of the day, I was going to my locker between every class. Every time I opened it, there was a little note. They all pretty much said the same thing, something along the lines of "I love you.." The only one that was different was the one that asked "So... Are you straight?" I closed my locker and made my way to the front of the school. It was the weekend, and it was going to be a long one.

I called my mom to tell her I wasn't coming straight home. I decided to take a detour..ish.. I walked through an unknown neighborhood, alternating between left and right turns. Eventually, I got smart, and turned on my ipod.

The neighborhood was very alive. There were kids of all ages everywhere. Some were climbing trees, and others were playing soccer i the road. I looked at my ipod to change the song, and someone had kicked the soccer ball at my leg.

"Sorry. Can you kick it back?" I almost jumped at the voice. it was Brendon. He was standing in a pair of red and black basketball shorts, a loose black tee, and converses. I must have been walking longer than I though, if he had enough time to get home, get changed, and get half way through a soccer game...

I lightly kicked the ball back o the nearest kid.

"Wanna play?" The kid asked.

"Nah, I should start heading home." I looked around and realized I had no idea where I was.

"Hey, I'm gonna show Ryan how to get out of here, okay?"

"Bye Brendon!"

Oh my god. That went through my head about five thousand times before Brendon made it over to me. He grabbed my elbow, turned me around, and led us away from the fame.

After about five minutes of an awkward silence, he finally stopped walking.

"Ryan." His voice was amazing. "Why don't you want to talk to me?"

When he finally realized I wasn't going to speak, he sigh and started walking again.

"Breathe." he said.

I hadn't realized I had been holding my breath. I shook my head and followed him. He reached into his pockets and pulled out keys a black camero. He oped the passenger side door for me and instructed me to get in.

"I'll drive you home." I did as he said.

When we got out of the neighborhood, he turned left.

"Call your mom or something. Tell her you're staying somewhere till Sunday. I wanna take you somewhere."

I still hadn't said a word. I texted my mom. She was more concerned about whether or not I had a change of cloths than the fact that her son was going somewhere for two days. Mothers these days...
♠ ♠ ♠
Long time I know.