Don't You Go Down

Chapter Five

We had been driving for hours now. I had absolutely no idea where we wee, nor we where we were going. Neither of us had said a word. It was pretty much nonstop driving, except for when he got gas... But that doesn't really count. I mean, I'm exactly dreading this. It's actually quite cute, Every now and then his hand would kind of twitch. He trying so hard not to grab mine. I eventually fell asleep, though around three AM.

"we're almost there." I cracked my eyes open and looked at Brendon. I glanced out the window and saw a sign saying "Denver, Colorado." I was speechless. I mean, I hadn't said anything, but now I didn't know what to think. I knew exactly where he was taking us now. We were going to out old club house. I clenched my eyes closed. I was not. going. to cry.

He parked across the street from the old park, got out, and opened my door.
"C'mon." It kind of made me feel guilty how he was pretty much sacred to touch me.

We crossed a little bridge, and walked down an overgrown trail in the woods. Brendon was using a stick to whack spiderwebs out of our way. every now and then, he'd mumble to him self. It was kind of hard to see, especially since it was five forty five in the morning, and, I knew for sure he was dead tired.

We'd finally reached it. It looked loads smaller now. Brenden climbed up the side of the tree using the small chunks of wood we had nailed into the bark.

"It's still good." He smiled and climbed into the tree house.
"please Ryan?" I looked up at him. SHIZ! Bad! He did his puppy dog eyes.

I climbed the tree. Brendon was beaming, but he still avoided touching me. We sat on opposite corners.

He sighed. "well..." I looked up at him. "After I moved to Arizona, my mom home schooled me until I was eleven. I guess she was scared that someone would catch my 'gay.' In 7th grade, when I was thirteen, I met a girl. She really liked me, but i didn't know how to respond to that. She'd always come to my house. She was pretty cool, and smart, and beautiful. My mom loved her. I did too, but not like my mom wanted me to. It got weird sometimes, because my mom would invite her to stay the night. When I turned fourteen, I finally told her I was gay, and that no one would change that. Then I told her about you... She said she completely understood. She's the one who helped me find out about you, like what school you went too and such. Myspace was a big help.. And google to.

"When my mom found out I was gay, she finally accepted it, seeing as I was fifteen when she found out, and realized it wasn't just a stage. My dad found out too."

I looked up at him. He was smiling.

"He left my mom, but its ok. I hated the bastard anyways. When he was gone for good. My mom decided to help me. We moved to a house that was in a different county then yours. It was the closest near you that was available at the time. We would have moved here sooner, but my mom signed a two year renting contract.. And then when we did move, I finally found you! And whether you like it or not, I'm staying."

I blinked a few times then looked away. It was very starry tonight. When I looked back at Brendon, he was laying down, asleep. I couldn't help but to smile at him. He kind of looked cold. He was still wearing his shorts. I took off my jacket and laid it on his waist. I don't think it helped much. I knew what I wanted to do. I crawled to Brendon and laid against his back. I put one arm under his neck, and the other was wrapped around his waist. I nestled my face against his hair. He smelled like shampoo and sweat. heheh... I closed my eyes and fell asleep.