Status: Active

Strained Love

Chapter Two

Esme's Point of View

Did he seriously just purpose? I can't believe he would still love me after he found out I was sick. I can't believe he loves me in the first place! But, I love him so much! I don't know if I'm ready to get married, I mean I'm so young, but what the hell I'm dying, and as I said I love Joe. "Yes Joe, I will marry you!" I said with the biggest smile on my face, and jumping into his arms as he hugged me. Good thing he stood up right when I said yes, or we would be taking an unwanted trip to the emergency room. For an engagement casualty. Sometimes you know I just crack myself up.

"Thank you so much, I promise to make you so happy you won't be able to stop smiling! I love you so much!" He said, I can't stand it any longer, I leaned up and kissed him slightly. But, before I could pull away, he grabbed the back of my head slightly, trying not to hurt me. The kiss was amazing. It was sweet, kind, and passionate all in one. It was my first kiss, and I couldn't ask for a better person to ask for to share it with. All the sudden I felt something wet on my lip, so I opened my mouth a little. I quickly found out it was his tongue, and boy did he know how to use it. He slowly moved his tongue aginst mine, on the underside, and all around. After a few minutes, of him massaging my tongue, and fighting for dominance, we both came up for air, after a few more small, sweet pecks, I was quiet. I was thinking about how now my life falls into place, now that I'm going to die. All this time I could have been happy, with Joe as a boyfriend, the best brother possible, and mybe even my parents. But no I have to be on God's bad side. But at least I get to spend these last few months with Joe, that I am thankful for. I love him so much I don't know what I would do without him. He has helped me out through so many things, such as holding and comforting me when my parents died. He even stayed for like a week at my house after, just to make sure I was safe and trying to recover from the loss.

I guess I was quiet for to long because he finally asked. "Was the kiss that bad?" with a little disappointment in his voice, and his right eyebrow raising slightly.

" No Joe! It was the best first kiss a girl could ask for! I loved it and I love you! I was just thinking about how this is so unreal, why my whole life has to fall into place now, when I don't have long to enjoy it." I said tears starting to well up in my eyes.

"Don't cry sweets!" Joe said trying to get me to calm down. "Lets not ruin the moment, and that reminds me I want to get you something!" He said with excitement in his voice. I love how he can be serious one minute and then the next turn into a goober! He has always been like that, we could be talking about how there family dog died, and all of the sudden, he would say "I want ice cream!" Or something hilarious.

"Joe, you don't have to get me anything, I'm fine." I told him, although I was interested to know what it was.

"Well you got the fine part right, but I don't think we mean it in the same way!" He said while he winked at me. I just laughed at him, there you go with the siliness again. " Well I'm getting you something anything anyway. So go sit in the car, and I'll be there in a minutes, I need to get something out of the house." You know what that means, he's up to no good. I said to myself as I laughed at him.

Joe's Point of View

I ran back into Esme's house, and through the large entrance into the living room that held mostly pictures of Esme and Caleb, then some of my family with them. My favorite was a picture of me kissing Esme's cheek when she was around fifteen and I was seventeen. The living room also contained a couch and two over sized chairs, with some kind of modern print on them. The whole house looked good, just because Esme designed it, after her parents died she tought it was time for a change. When I spotted her brother, sitting on the couch, I walked up to him. I wanted his permission to get Esme her engagement ring, to be polite, like asking the father for the girl's hand in marriage.

"Hey Joe!" Caleb said, trying to cover up the tears still on his cheeks. He motioned for me to sit on the chair opposite of the couch. "I'm sorry I let Esme call you and get you all worked up, but she wouldn't talk to me or anyone else so." Caleb tried to explain.

"It's no problem. I'm glad I was there to comfort her. But I have to ask what exactly did the doctor say? I mean it's not cancer is it?" I asked worried.

"They didn't say what exactly it was, they just said it was some kind of fungus on her bones, seriously I wasn't really paying any attention after the said the couldn't help her any further. It just breaks my heart to see her in all this pain. I mean shes not even going to be able to live her life fully!" He said

"Thats actually what I came here to talk to you about. I asked Esme to marry me and she accepted. So I would like to buy her a ring and thought I would at least know that you are okay with the situation." I said hoping for approval.

"Well I'm proud that you finally said something to her about your feelings!" He said with a smile on his face. Of course everyone knew that I love Esme, except her. "How long has it been now, that you love my sister?" He asked mockingly

"Only two years!" I said trying to defend myself. It was always like this between Caleb and I, we always joked around, so I knew he meant nothing by it.

"Fine. Fine." He said putting his hands up. "I just hate that your feelings came out now," I knew what he meant. 'Why didn't you say anything earlier, so you both could enjoy it longer?' Is what he meant.

"Well I think she really whats to get married! Plus I love her and want to get married, and I would love to spend the rest of her life married to her!" I said with a big smile on my face. But really I was just trying to convince him so he would just give me the damn permission.

"Are you sure I mean she is so young, and i don't think she's ready"

"I think she is, if she wasn't then I think she would have said so, don't you think?"

"You have a point, and you have my blessing! Just don't hurt her she's had enough of that in her life already." He smiled sadly

"I no I was there when your parents died, and I would never hurt her on purpose. I love and respect her too much!" I said surprised he would think I would hurt her.

"Run along get my sister the best ring you can find!"

"Thanks dude! Another thing is, do you mind if Esme moves in with me, you know with the engagement and all, I just want to spend every minute with her."

"I understand, just come get all her shit when you can!"

"Thanks again!" I said as I stood and made my may into the kitchen to get Esme a Sunkist and peanut M&Ms. She ate them everytime she really cried, because crying took so much out of her tiny body. I headed back out to the car.

As soon as I opened the door she stepped out and said, "I'm going inside. I'll be right back!" But after I showed her what was in my hand she got back in. "Thank you! I love you Joey" She said after we got seated. Do I know my woman or not? "Can you please tell me where we are going! Please!" She begged.

"You'll see when we get there sweets!" I said then leaned over and pecked her cheek.
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Two updates in one day!
So please let me know how you guys like the story. :)
I probably wont update as much, because school starts back tomorrow.
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