Status: Active

Strained Love

Chapter Four

Esme's Point of View

"Okay fine you don't have to wear it." Joe said, as he gave me the puppy dog pout. His was the best by far, not even his brothers were that good. Only one rime Nick got to me, but I was sick so I wasn’t as strong. Kevin had never even come close, in fact one time I turned it around on him and got a blow-dryer out of the whole deal, don’t ask it was Joe’s idea. I was strong against them, but Joe could make me break. I think it's my mind, I know he can break me so I let it happen and I don't think I'm strong enough, or maybe it’s because I love him too much, but one way or another his puppy dog pout is NOT better than mine!

"Fine! I'll wear it." I said back to him. He slipped the blind fold over my eyes, and tied a knot in the back. He then rubbed the back of my neck, and lifted my hair and put it on the other side of my neck and placed a kiss there. I squirmed because it tickled, he just laughed at me.

"I love you!" Joe said in my ear. I turned around and looked up in his eyes, they were filled with love, and only for me. I don't think he realizes how much I truly love him. He is so good to me and has stuck with me through my whole life. Some how I need to express my gratefulness and love...

"I love you more," I said back, with a smile on my face.

"I don't really think that's possible. I love everything you do, I love how when you concentrate real hard on something you stick you tongue out just a little, or when you go swimming you keep you towel around you until you get to the very edge of the pool, so no one will see your beautiful body. All you have to do is smile, and it puts me in the best mood!" I blushed and turned my head away, "Hey, there is no need to be embarrassed, I love you and that is all that matters." He leant down and kissed me, with the most passion that could possibly be held in one kiss.

"Thank you, but I still love you more." I said then ran, feeling in front of me so I wouldn't fall, considering I still had the blind fold on. I ran for a couple of minutes, but I heard Joe scream stop. But I didn't just in case it was his way of slowing me down. Suddenly, I felt something all around me, and it felt like it was closing in...

Joe's Point of View

Esme started running, probably trying to just add some flavor to our evening, she always did this even when we were having the most fun of our entire lives, she just felt the need to. But right now I don't think it's a good idea, especially with the blindfold covering her eyes. I started running after her, but couldn't catch up, she was a pretty fast runner. She was heading right into a huge spider web on the other side of the parking lot, by some woods. "Stop!" I screamed. She didn't and went straight into the cocoon like spider web. She started squirming and trying to get out but tripped and fell. I kept on running toward her, she was just lying there, all I wanted to do is get to her and make her safe, if anything happen to her it would be all my fault, I would never forgive myself.

When I finally got to her a couple of spiders were crawling on her and she had blood running from her forehead. I picked her up and carried her, bridal style, to the car. I flicked all the spiders off, and got a napkin from my glove compartment, in my car, and tried to wipe all the blood off. I checked her heart just to make sure she was still alive, and thank God she was. I placed my lips on her forehead and kissed it. Then took the awful blindfold, that caused all of this, off.

Esme finally started to stir. She opened her bright green eyes, but I could tell she couldn’t see well, because she kept looking back and forth. She tried to move her right arm, probably to see if I was real or something, but she whimpered and put it back down.


Esme’s Point of View

I woke up with a fierce headache, it was the worst headache that I have had since, well I can’t remember the exact moment, so a long time. I tried to open my eyes, but I couldn’t make anything out, I tried to reach my right arm out to a blob in front of me, but when I did a sharp pain went through it. I whimpered, the blob reached out to me and lifted me. It brought me to another place in a bigger blob. The blob sat me down then went away.


After a couple of minutes I could see again, and the blobs were Joe and the car. I was sitting in the front seat, Joe was in the driver seat looking for something, I reached over with my left arm and tapped him on the shoulder. He jumped and covered his heart with his hand, like his heart was beating really fast.

“Sorry!” I said with a sympathetic look.

“It’s okay. Just next time say something, ‘cause I thought Jason was after me or something.” He wiped fake sweat from his forehead.

“You are such a drama queen!” he acted as if he was crying, “but I love you! Umm but I have bad news can you look at my arm, it hurts.” I said while looking down at my swollen purple arm.

“Yea sure.” he said then leaned over me as I tried to pull my right arm up with my left arm, lets just say that didn’t work. Joe examined it for a couple of minutes, before saying, “well miss I don’t think it’s deadly but it might be broken.” in an old man/doctor voice.

“Okay, Mr. Doctor should I go to the hospital, or can I see what the surprise is from my lovely fiancé?” I said, batting my eyelashes and leaning closer to the “doctor”.

“Oh, I completely forgot, yes come on lets go and see this amazing surprise!” He said before running around the car and opening my door, I’m surprised he didn’t fall, but don’t tell him I told you that. “I’ll carry you so you don’t hurt your arm anymore than it already than it is. Then as soon as were done I’ll take you to the hospital.” he said picking me up. I don’t know how I could possibly hurt my arm while walking but that’s Joe for you.

“Okay, but don’t drop me!” I said hurriedly, you don’t even want to know how many times he has dropped me, even on the concrete one time.

“What makes you think I would do something like that?”

“I don’t know, maybe it’s the fact that you have dropped me like 400 million times!” I said sarcastically, looking at him with knowing eyes.

“I’m sorry baby, I love you!”

“Yea yea, you better be glad I love you too.” I said with a sly smile playing on my lips. I looked up into Joe’s eyes as he carried me, I suddenly had the urge to kiss him so I lifted my head and gave him a slobbery wet kiss on his jaw line.

He looked down at me and smiled, “You know you could have just moved a little closer and have gotten the right spot, but I guess I could help you out.” He leaned down and placed his soft plump lips on mine. It wasn’t a rushed kissed, it was soft, sweet, and filled with love. Joe started moving his lips, a little, I tired to keep up, but my mouth was inexperienced. After a few minutes he pulled away and said, “Were here!” It amazed me how he could walk and kiss at the same time. “but no peeking.”

We walked, or more accurately Joe walked while he carried me, to the mystery destination. He sat me down and started undoing the blind fold, he whispered, “I love you,” whilst doing this. It was dark, like so dark you couldn’t see your hand if you put it right in front of you face. Joe wrapped his arm around my waist and whispered, “Are you ready?”

“Yes,” I said in a tiny voice, sort of sounding like I was scared.

The lights came on and there before me was Tiffany’s jewelry store, rented out, no body in there but the employees. All kinds of rings were set out on the glass cases, it reminded of the seen from Sweet Home Alabama. In the far corner a little table was set up with all kinds of fruits, and chocolates, even chocolate covered strawberries.

“Joe?” I said silent tears running down my face.

“Yes, sweetheart?” He said sweetly and looked down and into my watery eyes. “baby why are you crying, this was supposed to be a good thing!”

“It’s not, you shouldn’t have done all of this for me,” I said motioning to all of the rings and the snack he planned for just the two of us. “I’m not worth all of this, you probably spent so much time planning this out, but it’s all wasted after a couple of months. I mean I’ll be dead and what will you have to show for it?” I finished, sobbing.

“Esme,” he said sternly. “You are worth all the money in the world. How could you say all of these things about yourself? You are beautiful, with your naturally blond hair and big, bright green eyes, everything about you makes a chill run through my spine every time I see you, not to mention the stuff below the belt.”
I turned my head away and blushed, but I still had a small smirk on my face. “See, I knew I could get you to some what smile! Are you ready to pick out your ring?” I looked up at him and nodded my head eagerly.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey you guys sorry it's been a while since I've updated. :(
Hopefully that will change.
I recently talked with chips 92 author of the amazing Changing The Rules, she gave my some advice on my story, so hopefully it will get better!
The other Jonas boys will be in entering the story in the next few chapters! YAY

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