Cat and Mouse

Cat and Mouse

Invisible though we are, Pestilence, Famine, War, and I, the “four horsemen" of the Apocalypse, we inflict pain and leave death and despair in our wake. The battle has begun. I ride forward swinging my sickle, hearing the satisfying sound of my weapon connecting with flesh. With my fellow riders, I gallop though the chaos, slicing people to ribbons. The skirmish has only just begun. Women and children pray for safety; it won't help though. For we are not controlled by any god, I and my friends are our own masters and we are here to end your existence. But I warn you I am a like a cat in the sense that I like to play with my food before eating it.

So let us ‘play’ on. You are probably more than a little confused at the moment so allow me give you some background information on us. Have you heard of the Black Plague? It was my dear friend Pestilence who created that lovely little ailment. She is also responsible for many other wonderful illnesses, such as the Spanish Influenza, small pox, malaria and AIDs, to name just a few.

I guess you also know what Famine does hmm? That's correct, she deals in hunger, starvation, food scarcity, and malnourishment. Have you heard of the great potato famine in Ireland, starvation in Africa or any other situations that are food shortages? Who else could it be but sweet Famine?

War, well she speaks for herself. The American Civil War, World War I, World War II, the Korean and Vietnam wars, and so on. Any famous battles or just clashes in general are all her doing. She feeds on blood and gore, and is my closest companion. What can I say except that we work exceptionally well together and she pleasantly compliments my charming ‘games’ for those times victims are hard to find..

You’ve probably inferred by now that I, the last rider, am Death. Well done, take a cookie out of the cookie jar. Dying is inevitable, so you may as well embrace me with open arms. ‘No’ you say? Well then, I promise that I’ll give you a head start but I can’t be counted on to play fair and end the game quickly. So run while you can. I’ll close my eyes and count to one million. Ready or not, here I come.